Is it essential to create new Software requirement document,test planning report if it is a "Migrating Project"?

Questions by raghugbhat   answers by raghugbhat

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  • Mar 3rd, 2006

A migrated Project which is enhancement of the exisitng project. so,It is not essential to create new SRS. we can make changes to the existing SRS as per the requirements.

or A migrated Project is a project which is conversion of application from envrionment to another environment. e.g. converting from .Net to java Environment.We need to check s/w and hardware requriements of the project

we can use the same SRS if there is no major change in the Requirements

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  • Apr 14th, 2006

Not required to create new SRS, But we need to update the OLD SRS for new enhancement, same this applicable for test planning.

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praveen reddy

  • Mar 30th, 2007

there is no need of new srs until any major changes(functionalities),

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  • Sep 18th, 2007

I feel when we are talking about Migration Project then we have start with Requirement analysis and gap analysis document rather than convetional SRS. But we cant say no need to make SRS for new one, infact we have to do all documentation starts from requirement analysis to Test cases and all.....

Please correct me if i m wrong!!


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Migrating a project from one technology to another technology happens only when your project is developed 5 to 10 years back with older technologies like Access, VB etc and wanted to change to new technologies like .Net, Java etc. 

A project that is developed 5-10 years back, at that time based on the market requirements, Operating systems, configurations, technologies and its features etc based on these things application's were developed and the code behind the application might be complicated, application might not be that much user friendly.

When a porject is developing with new technologies, obviously everything will be changed allot, including OS, configuration, Technologies, new features in the application etc.

The documents that were developed for older version like requirements, SRS, Test Plan, etc might be used as a base documents, but the new version of document will be vary allot with the older version

Plz correct me if I am wrong

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