From the testability point of view what is the difference between client/server testing and web testing

Questions by ferozbm   answers by ferozbm

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  • Mar 6th, 2006

Client Server testing is a three tier architecture and when testing has to be done on this we need to consider all types of testing like the stress testing , data - volume testing, load testing and performance testing.

When u are doing a normal web testing then you will be testing navigation testing, frame testing, broken links or missing URL's and static text testing.

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  • Apr 7th, 2006

In a web based application browser is a thin client,and as  a tester we have to test the browser too.Here we have to test the links,url navigation,usabilty etc.For a web based applicatio we have unlimited users.So performance also we have to consider.



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  • Jun 30th, 2006


 There is lot of difference between Client/Server testing Web testing.

Client/Server is  an architecture on which application is build.

Web application is a type of application like windows application or desktop application.

Web application can also be client server application.

Again Client Server is of many types like

two tier architecture(Client & Server), three tier architecture (Client- Master- Database) or multi-tier architecture where the client is thin and whole business logic lies in the Master or middle tier.



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Web application: A 3-tier application is an application program that
is organized into three major parts each of which is distributed to a different
place or places in a network. The three parts are:

-> The workstation or presentation interface

-> The business logic

-> The database and programming related to managing it

Client Server: Where as in 2-tier application is an application
program that is organized into 2 major parts each of which is distributed to a
different place or places in a network. The 2 parts are:

-> The workstation or presentation interface with The business logic

-> The database and programming related to managing it

Client Server Testing:

A. Req review and start writting the test cases
B. Start testing by receiving the build for testing

1.Smoke and GUI TESTING

2.Usability testing
3.Fucntional testing
4.Database testing
5. UAT

Web testing:

1. Req review and start writting the test cases
2. Start testing by receiving the build for testing

-> Smoke testing
-> Functional testing
-> Security testing
-> Usability Testing
-> GUI testing
-> Compatibility testing
-> Path links testing
-> Alpha and Beta Testing
-> UAT testing


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