What is the difference between frs (functional requirement specification) and srs (software requirement specification) ?

Questions by ferozbm   answers by ferozbm

Showing Answers 1 - 6 of 6 Answers


  • Mar 3rd, 2006

FRS(Functional Requirement Specification) specifies the flow of work and features of the application

SRS (system)software Requirement Specification means it specifies the S/W and H/W requirements of the application that is to be proposed.

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  • May 3rd, 2006


  FRS> it is a doc that states the exact functionality of the program and its components

SRS> it is a doc that states that what is required by the customer.

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  • Feb 20th, 2007

Dear jayanthi,
                       Pls send me thge answers for the follwing questions.

* how do u rank test conditions

* what is test condition

*difeerence b/w test suite, test script, test scenario

I will b thank full to u,

regards ,

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Sly Gryphon

  • May 17th, 2007

The term Software Requirements Specification (SRS) can be given a very exact and well defined meaning -- that of a document as outlined in IEEE Standard 830.

A standard SRS addresses functionality (these days often in the form of use cases), interfaces (user, hardware and other systems), performance, other attributes (e.g. portability, security) and any design constraints (e.g. particular language or platform). [Section 4.1]

A standard SRS should not go beyond specifying requirements, in particular it should not include any design or implementation details, e.g. specific screen design, although the user interface section may include logical formats or layouts. [Section 4.2]

A good SRS should have the characteristics of: correct, unambiguous, complete, consistent, ranked for importance, verifiable, modifiable, traceable. [Section 4.3]

An SRS should be jointly prepared by the customer and supplier (of the software). [Section 4.4]

The SRS should only contain product requirements, not project requirements, i.e. it should not contain costs, schedules, development methods, acceptance procedures, etc. [Section 4.8]

In contrast the terms functional requirement/functional specification are defined in the IEEE Sandard 610.12 Glossary. As defined in the standard functional requirements are only one subset of the overall requirements, i.e. a functional specification often simply refers to one part of the requirements specification (SRS).

In practice, many people use different terms to mean many different things, but if you want an official definition of SRS I suggest sticking with the description in IEEE Standard 830.

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