How do we genarate testcase thru TEST DIRECTOR?

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In TestDirecor there r 4 tabs:
2.Test Plan
3.Test Lab
Go to the TestPlan tab and create a folder for the current project and create sub folders according to the requirements or modules and then under each sub folder u can create Manual Test cases and automated scripts.

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  • Jun 25th, 2006


Test Lab we do the design step. Design grid we create parent child tree.

Ex. Database Operation (Test name)

1) Delete an order

Description: click delete button to delete the order

Expected result: order is deleted


2) Update an order

3) Create an order

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  • Apr 18th, 2007

Go to testplan 
Create a new folder as soon as new folder is created few icons will pop up one of them will be design & steps over there we can create test cases.

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  • Aug 22nd, 2007

The usage of Test director is more of a Test Management tool.  Using all of its features would really make it a great tool to work with.

In making a test case and executing it, its always advisable to start from the Requirements Tab.  This would provide the Traceability.

Right click on a Requirement in the requirement and click on Generate Test.

This should generate a test in Test Plan.  you can use it as a test set with more test under it or directly write design steps and make it a test case.

Make sure someone would ask if a requirement is tested or not down the lane in that project, all you have to do is show the requirements tab in a Coverage View or Coverage analysis view for those requirements and you should be good.

Similarly, linking your defects to a test case that's linked to a Requirement, would make your life easier, in prioritizing the defects showing how many requirements are having how many Defects.

this can be practised when u start writing test cases or could be done later with some tussle.

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