What are all the scenarios to be considered while testing reports

Questions by ferozbm   answers by ferozbm

Showing Answers 1 - 11 of 11 Answers

Rami reddy

  • Feb 23rd, 2006

  I think all the possible test cases for particular workflow, that is entire testing process will involves, Like Unit testing, Integration testing, End- To- End Testing. After reciving the stable build we will chk that. in simple way i can say that it is testing process:- Test Startegy-> Test Plan-> Test Bed -> Test Driver-> Test Log-> Test Execution -> Final Reprt. This entire process comes under Test Scenerio.

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Ranganatha H C

  • Nov 22nd, 2006

Hi all,

The purpose of the Report generation is to produce lot of data about the system based on selected criteria. A particular report display  the data from the different modules whick are linked in one or other way. So while testing the Report we should first understand the relation beetwen different modules about how they are linked each other and how the data flows from the one module from other.

There may be different stages in which data flows.Generate the Report in each stage and make a check data is being displayed properly or not in the Report.

If the data flows through the different work flows( which is case in most of the Reports), generate the Report at the every activity through out the work flow. Create some 4 to 5 work flow instances and keep all these instances at different stages and generate Report and make check whether data is displayed properly or not.

Also make sure that data is being displayed under the proper fileds in the genarated report.

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  • Nov 22nd, 2006

The purpose of the Report generation is to produce lot of data about the system based on selected criteria. A particular report display  the data from the different modules whick are linked in one or other way. So while testing the Report we should first understand the relation beetwen different modules about how they are linked each other and how the data flows from the one module from other.

There may be different stages in which data flows.Generate the Report in each stage and make a check data is being displayed properly or not in the Report.

If the data flows through the different work flows( which is case in most of the Reports), generate the Report at the every activity through out the work flow. Create some 4 to 5 work flow instances and keep all these instances at different stages and generate Report and make check whether data is displayed properly or not.

Also make sure that data is being displayed under the proper fileds in the genarated report.

Posted by Ranganatha

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  • Dec 1st, 2007

verify if the content in the report and data transaction are related
verify  after every data transaction by generating a report,if the contents are specified against the column defined
verify if the data in the report are aligned in correct format
verify if alphanumerics and date column are aligned from left to right
verify if the numerics are aligned from right to left
verify if the data numeric column total is displayed at the bottom of column.

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As explained earlier in the loop Reports are zist representation of the data collected through several business functionalities. It can contain Text,Images,Graphs and many other objects based on the requirement. Mainly when i think of report i get three questions in my mind.

1. Is data represented as required?
2. Is data fetched from correct place? Is data correct?
3. Is data fetched in correct time frame?

I can thnik of following types of testing
1. Content test 2. Data driven test 3. performance test.

This may vary depending on the visibility of reports.

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I dont know whether how you are having the reports for u...  we have the reports like below.

Search criteria:

  Key word : < any of the word related to the data>

   Date range : < Last month, past 7 days, current week, This month,...>



Field 1   Field2  Field3  Field4   Field5  Field6...........

SO we can write the cases like:

1. Submit the page with out selecting any of the selection

2. Try to enter invalid data into keyword and see the results

3. Verify valid data is shown for give valid keyword

4. Verify the same for all types of data ranges


So we can generate so many possible cases...


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