What is a datapool? what it contains ? how do we create a datapool?briefly give the explanation

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  • Feb 17th, 2006


   Datapool in rational robot is used to replace single or fixed value with multiple values in single recording instead of doing recording several times for different input datas.

U have to create a script by doing recording .

Select a field in the application for which u want to create a datapool.And goto the test manager Click the tools menu->manage->Datapools  to create datapool follow the windows and enter the appropriate Datapool name,Field name its datatype .

And Enter the multiple values u want to replace in that field. Modify ur script by adding few statements in it saying about the datapool creation for the field in ur script.

And when u execute ur script u can c the application opening many times and the appropriate field is getting replaced with multiple values given by u. 

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  • Mar 17th, 2006

Hello, A datapool is the collection of record which will be used as inputs for the application Under test.Datapools should be created and the corressponding variable should be declared in the script.Ex : Dim ccNum as string Dim ccType as string Dim ccExpdate as string Here are the data elements that are present in the appliction. Say Credit Card no, Credit card type.Connect to the Datapool created by the code.Ex : dp=SQADatapoolOpen("test-datapool")Calling the datapool.Ex: call SQADatapoolFetch(dp)By doing this you will be able to automate the inputs. Run the application properly.Thanks.

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Bijay Kumar Jena

  • Mar 31st, 2006

A datapool is a test dataset. It supplies data values to the variables in a script during script playback.


Datapools allows to automatically pump test data to virtual testers under high-volume conditions that potentially involve hundreds of virtual testers performing thousands of transactions.


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  • Mar 31st, 2006

A datapool is a test dataset. It supplies data values to the variables in a script during script playback.


Datapools allows to automatically pump test data to virtual testers under high-volume conditions that potentially involve hundreds of virtual testers performing thousands of transactions.


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  • Apr 18th, 2006

Hi Abhi

Iam having the same dought. But iam not satisfied with the answer because i tried the same command which u mentioned but it dint worked.

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  • May 4th, 2006

Datapool is Test Database comes with Rational Robor,mostly used for regression testing ,u have predifined datatypes here even u can create ur own datatype,u can create a datapool form test manager,and call it in ur script withh following commands

call sqabasicdatapool open

call sqabasicdatapool fetch

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  • Sep 20th, 2006

datapool is one functionality of Rational Robot which is use to datadrivent Test.

datapool stors data for drivent test.

for examle : suppost there is a date field.

if u not used datapool then u can test this field for only one data. but using data pool u can test this field morethan one data. this test data are stored in datapool.

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  • Feb 6th, 2007

A datapool is a test dataset. It supplies data values to the variables in a script during script playback.Datapools let you automatically pump test data to virtual testers under high-volume conditions that potentially involve hundreds of virtual testers performing thousands of transactions.Typically, you use a datapool so that:? Each virtual tester that runs the script can send realistic data (which can include unique data) to the server.? A single virtual tester that performs the same transaction multiple times can send realistic data to the server in each transaction.If you do not use a datapool during script playback, each user virtual tester the same literal values to the server (the values that were captured when you recorded the script).For example, suppose you record a VU script that sends order number 53328 to a database server. If 100 virtual testers run this script, order number 53328 is sent to the server 100 times. If you use a datapool, each virtual tester can send a different order number to the server.

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  • Feb 6th, 2007

Adding Datapool Commands to a ScriptTo have Robot automatically add datapool commands and the DATAPOOL_CONFIG statement to a script::1. Click Tools ? Session Record Options.2. Click the Generator tab.3. Select Use datapools.4. Click OK.When you record the script, Robot automatically adds datapool commands and the DATAPOOL_CONFIG statement to it.Note: With GUI scripts, you must add the datapool commands manually.

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  • Feb 6th, 2007

Opens the specified datapool and provides information about the datapool cursor.SYNTAX return& = SQADatapoolOpen (name$, [wrap], [sequence], [exclusive])name$: The name of the datapool to open.Wrap: A optional Variant that indicates whether the datapool cursor should return to the first row in the row access order after the last row has been reached. sequence: An optional Variant that indicates the access method. Exclusive:An optional Variant that indicates whether the datapool cursor is shared with other usersIn SQABasic, SQADatapoolOpen is the only way to define the datapool's cursor and row access order. Unlike the VU scripting language, SQABasic does not include a DATAPOOL_CONFIG statement.

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Datapool is one in which we can give multiple input in a single script.
SQAdatapoolopen-use to open datapool
SQAdatapoolfetch-use to display or fetch the value from datapool
SQAdatapoolvalue-use to give the values to the input field

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  • Sep 12th, 2007

Datapool is nothing but a collection of data, we command the tool to use all this input data to test our application. For this purpose we create some input data well in advance. and we can use it through out  testing the module. but the calling datapool type should be the same class (integer or string) if you create string datapool and cannot use it for integer field.

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  • Sep 12th, 2007

What about '$include sqautil.sbh,
call sqadatapoolopen (library file)
for i=1 to (any number)
call sqadatapoolfetch
sqadatapool value

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