Where do you see yourself doing five years from now?

what are your long-range career objectives?
how do you plan to achieve your carrier goals?
what are the most important rewards you expect in your career?

Questions by aneeshkumar_ts

Showing Answers 1 - 4 of 4 Answers


  • Feb 19th, 2006

For your first question - I would like to see myself as a professional who is well equipped with knowledge,who can perform at his best and would like to lead a group of people who are ambitious and can work towards the fulfillment of their ambitions and help them in developing creative thoughts and contributing them towards the growth of my society, my organization & for my people.

The long range career objectives can be expressed based on the level we cross and the efforts we put. You can always dream big and speak big, it doesn't cost you. Right!

The plans should always reflect the positive side of yours. You should put forward the efforts that you have made and still making in achieving the career goals. Well everyone has is own way of planning. It differs from resources available, situations & atmosphere in which you are. Or you can put in other word like I can contribute significantly to challenging assignments. I have been keen in learning things and implementing the new ideas as a continuous improvement initiative.

The most important rewards you except in your career in nothing more than that you career goal. Well, everybody looks for good pay, and would love to work with deep industry and business process expertise, broad global resources and with a work environment where you would have work & life balance both.



  • Aug 28th, 2008

It is not easy to answer this interview question in terms of specific job or company expectations. One cannot accurately predict what the job or the company will look like in 5 years time. You can answer in general terms about the type of situation you would like to be in and the way you want to have grown and developed. Avoid giving specific time frames or job titles.

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