What are the differences in testing the web application and client server application?

Questions by suma_806   answers by suma_806

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  • Feb 10th, 2006

S. No

Client   Server Testing

Web Based Testing


This involves testing of the client installation, connectivity between the Client and the Server, configuration required to connect to the server apart from the regular GUI, functional testing.
You will be having specific client version for specific OS.

Here client is your browser, you can skip the installation testing, checking the connectivity between browser and your server etc but you have a addition of testing different types of browsers and on different platforms.



Client Server Application are those that runs on LAN, WAN but is not connected to www or internet

The web based Applications  are those that are connected with www, internet. Ex: Yahoo and Google etc


It Uses Connection Oriented (TCP/IP) Protocol

It Uses HTTP Protocol


Your going to your bank and asking a/c balance to customer server. He/she use banking system application to check you're a/c balance ? that is C/S application.

Also you can go to net cafe and check you a/c balance that is Web application. You can imagine the facilities. What all the customer service executive can do in his/her system and what all you can do from you net cafe


C-S testing needs a network

The Web test can be performed on a stand alone machine.


In Client/Server testing, test phases can include :
Build Acceptance Testing

Prototype  Testing

System Reliability Testing

Multiple phases of regression testing, and beta testing.


For web based testing ?

Validation the HTML,

Check for broken links,

Speed - Access the site,

Browser independence - Try different browsers,

Check printed pages,



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  • Feb 22nd, 2006

Client/Server Application:-

             It is 2 tier architecture.

             It servers restricted number of users.

             FTP will process the request which is given by the client.

   Advantages:-High Performance

   Disadvantage:-Hard to mantain.

Web Server:-

           It is min 3 tier architecture.

           It servers n number of users.

           Browser will process the request.

    Disadvantage:-Slow Performance 


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C/S : Client Server applications are 2 tire architecture. it means
CLIENT : is a machine it send the request to server
SERVER: it is also machine it send the response / reply to client .

WEB APPLICATIONS : These are 3 tire/n tire architecture.
Web applications are access to web browsers only

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