How to conduct Regression testing using LoadRunner?Give me explanation about HTTP protocols? How we are working on HTTP protocols?In goal oriented Scenarios LoadRunner provides five different types of goal-oriented scenarios, if a tester can work on five types of scenarios or any one type of scenarios? Suppose loadrunner controller is in different place, Vuser generator is one more place we r working in another place, is loadrunner 7.2 or higher versions of loadrunner provides this facility work (that is using desk top to work on load testing) or not?What are the types of checkpoints is available in LoadRunner? How to work on database check points?While the script is running we find some values that may be need to be correlated? Is it possible to do manual correlation for those values?After completion of functionality testing what makes us to know whether the product is ready for performance testing or not (not related to task distribution diagram and transaction profile document)?

Questions by kiranavn

Showing Answers 1 - 6 of 6 Answers


  • Apr 24th, 2006

load runner is a performance testing tool. you cannot do regression testing with load runner.yo ucan do manual correaltion by recodring the same script 2 times. compare them using windiff utility which comes with LR and look for the values which need to be correlated.

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  • May 2nd, 2006


you can do through Parameterization.

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  • Jan 17th, 2007


Loadrunner is not only a performance tool it also works as a Regression tool.presently i am performance testing with loadrunner using as a regression re executing all the(based on the regression team designed scenarios) preveous scenarios after change request is there any boottle necks find due to this respnse time etc.If the application in the production side u must perform the regression testing.



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In order to conduct Regression testing using loadrunner you need to create a script and parameterize it.
e.g. You want to check the functionality of login window using 7 different users. For this you will follow the following procedure:
1. Record the script using any valid user.
2. Open the script and create parameters for username and password.
3. Fill in the values for the parameters in the flat file.
4. Change the values of paramters on every iteration.
5. Run the script for 7 iterations.

This is how you will be able to do regression testing using loadrunner.

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