Difference between class and structure

This question is related to TCS Interview

Showing Answers 1 - 16 of 16 Answers


  • Feb 10th, 2006

ans for this question is simple and it is:

There is no much difference between a class and a structure and the slight difference is the default scope of class is private where as the default scope of structure is global.

Nilesh Korpe

  • May 18th, 2006

Constructor is called in class where as there is no custructor for structor.


  • Jul 29th, 2006

a>the data members of a class are private by default where as those in structure are public.b>class can have the destructors while the structures cannot have.

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  • Nov 28th, 2006

class is a user defined data type in object oriented paradigm.

it consists of both data and code(methods).

where as structure is also a userdefined datatype but consists of only data members.not methods

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  • Dec 10th, 2006


         Structures allows organisation of data whereas class allows both organisation of data and data security.

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winny gupta

  • Feb 15th, 2007

Firstly, a class is not declared in C.Secondly, in C++, the main difference is all the data members and member functions in classes are private by default whereas for structure they are public.

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  • Mar 4th, 2007

In C++ thr is no difference in class and structure except that  in class by default scope is private but in structure its public...other than that no other difference.

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  • Jun 27th, 2008

structure is a collection of data and class is a collection of data and functions.by defalut struct is public whereas class is private

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We can list as:

1. In classes the default scope is private whereas in structures u have public.equir

2.Also, u can define the scope according to is requiremeuctunts in claasses.

3. In classes u can create fn nd methods which is not so in d case of structures.

4.You cn also do operator overloading in case of classes which is not so in d case of structures.

5.Various other object - oriented features are found in classes and not in structures wherin u can create objects which is not possible in structures.

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