What are necessary tasks to install reportnet software

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  • Jan 27th, 2006

You need to do the following for a standard installation process:
(1) Verify your system requirements like RAM Minimum: 512 MB, a Web server installed and started
(2) Review the ReportNet default settings like default ReportNet ports and URI settings.
(3) Create the database for the content store which means you must create the database that is used for the content store using either Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, or DB2 UDB. ReportNet uses this database to store, organize, and retrieve
(4) Install ReportNet: Use the installation wizard to select the components you want to install and the location on your
computer where you want to install them.
(5) Set up the database client for the content store (Oracle and DB2): If you use Oracle or DB2 as the database server for the content store, additional steps are required after you install ReportNet before you can configure ReportNet.
you need to go to the 6th step only when installing on UNIX. For Windows above 5 steps are good.
(6) Update Your Java Environment: Before you can use the cryptographic operations, such as data encryption and key
management, implemented by ReportNet, you must check that the required JAR (Java Archive) files are present in your Java Runtime Environment (JRE).

Shirin Khushnood

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  • Aug 24th, 2007

Could you please provide a detailed step by step installation and configuration of what ever (any environment) that you have successfully done.
Thank you

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