How to prepare Bug report for every day build?What are all items it should contain?

Showing Answers 1 - 8 of 8 Answers

praveen reddy

  • Apr 13th, 2007

There are 2 ways of preparing bug report,

1) Through BUG tracking tool

2) Through Excel Sheet, or Word format,

Here daily how many bugs raised by tester, How many bugs accpected by developer,
How many rejected, How many opened, How many closed.

The format is,

Bug id, Bugs raised,  Bugs accpected, Bugs rejected, Bugs closed, Bugs pending

Bye, for now

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Jagan Mohan Rao

  • Sep 2nd, 2007

When you are sending daily status to your onsite coordinaters or to onsite management team then you need to you need to prepare Bug report for every day of Daily Status.

In it you need to mession how many defects entered and how many are critical, High, Medioum and Low. With description.

Closing of the defect is done on Build starting date and we won't get any defects in between the build.

Jagan Mohan Rao. Y

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A bug report should contain the following 4 steps:


  1. Abstract of the bug (A very short note)
  2. Environment in which the bug was found (The software and Hardware used)
  3. The clear steps to reproduce
  4. Current behavior and the actual behavior
  5. Optionally the screen capture of the issue





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  • May 18th, 2012

Basic elements of defect report are
Application Name:
Build Version no.:
Defect ID,
Description (steps to reproduce, environments, Expected values, Actual outcome),
Status: New, open, fixed, closed, reopen
Severity and Priority
Detected by,
Detected date,
Module, build/version id,
Attachments (screen shots or docs),
Reproducible (y/n).

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