What is the difference between Scalability testing and load testing?

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Jasmine Sivakumar

  • Jan 11th, 2006

Load Testing - Testing an application under heavy loads,such as testing of a web site under a range of loads to determine at what point the sytem's response time degrades or fails.

Scalability Testing - Scalability testing differs from Load Testing in that it focuses on the performance of your Web sites, hardware and software products, and internal applications at all the stages from minimum to maximum load.

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Illur Iqbal...New Delhi

  • Feb 9th, 2006

Load testing and Scalability testing are the same but you can term Scalability testing as a Typical Load testing, where the testing is done on different hardwares with various loads.

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Load testing/Stress testing  and scalability testing  not the same, they have different parameters.

-Load testing consists of simulating real-life workload conditions for the application under test. It helps you determine various characteristics of the application working under massive workload. You can perform your test several times with a different number of users working concurrently to find out how various parts of the application react to the increasing load.
-Stress testing is aimed at determining the load (for example, the number of user requests) that causes a crash or an unacceptable performance of the application under test.
-The purpose of scalability testing is to determine whether your application scales for the workload growth. Suppose your company expects a six-fold load increase on your server in the next two months. You may need to increase the server performance and to shorten the request processing time to better serve visitors. If your application is scalable, you can shorten this time by upgrading the server hardware, for example, you can increase the CPU frequency and add more RAM (also, you can increase the request performance by changing the server software, for example, by replacing the text-file data storages with SQL Server databases. To find a better solution, first you can test hardware changes, then software changes and after that compare the results of the tests).


  • Aug 16th, 2006

scalability testing : To test the different application of the  software  or hardware application when it is installed in to the computer.

load testing: To test the work application when more application are installed in the operating system.

sudhakar kolla


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