What is the need of BatchUpdates?

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kondal reddy

  • Jan 3rd, 2006

using batch updates we can send set of sql statements at once to the database server.using this technique we can save the time

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srinivasa reddy

  • Jan 7th, 2006

let's say there are 100 records need to be insert. If we execute normal statemets the no of transactions will be 100 (in terms of connection making to DB). using batch updates we can add 100 rec to batch and the no of transactions will be only one in this case. This will reduce the burdon on db, which is very costly in terms of resources.

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  • Mar 7th, 2006

Hi friends , It is very much usefull for searching data in the database.if there is any questins on j2se,jdbc,servlets,jsp,jndi,java mail api,java bean , plz send that to my mailid given below------>bora_srinivasarao@yahoo.co.inoky bayeeee.................. keeps smiling and mailing bora_srinivasarao@yahoo.co.in

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  • Mar 21st, 2006

Some tasks can be done as a batch.For example u can make the amendments to the all email ids of the employees in the database,as it can be observed its not a task which should be completed in a real time,its a task which should be completed in a stipulated amout of time,such tasks can first be gathered and then be executed as a batch.Batch execution in java can reduce the no of database hits,threby reducing load on the database process,reduce network traffic,can provide flexibility to use the network at when at low traffic.

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amit naik

  • Mar 28th, 2006

So can we do the batch processing using PreparedStatement class in jdbc

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  • Mar 29th, 2006

It will reduce the no. of calls making from front end to backend.

usually when we want to insert 3 records to db from frontend, instead of making 3 request calls to db, add all the three request to batch and make only one request, so that all the 3 records will be inserted.

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  • Apr 8th, 2006

i ihave learnt the answer in very easy way for the  question what is the need of BatchUpdates? i have lot of doubts regarding j2ee and xml will u pls slove my problems

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