What do you think are the most important characteristics & abilities a person must possess to become a successful ( )? How do you rate yourself in these areas?

Showing Answers 1 - 12 of 12 Answers


  • Jul 5th, 2005

to become succesful, i believe the most important thing is to set long term goals, and with full grit and determination ,letting nothing sway you away from these goals,work sincerely and honestly towards these goals. 
also , i believe that fortune favours the brave ,and nothingcan stop u from getting succesful if u are brave.

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Let me write it down as an Algorithm :1- first U need to set up the list of Ur goals.2- Write down the steps U need to get 2 each one of them .3- Put a time schedule 4 these steps 2 be performed .4- Start working.5- while (step4) keep making assessment 2 Ur performance and plans , U might make some changes in Ur plans and schedules .. 6- With strong determination , at end U will get 2 Ur goal ...

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  • Jan 25th, 2007

the most important thing that is needed for a person to b succesfull is determination and selfconfidence.i feel the person cant think abt the next step if he lacks confidence. and if hardwork is followed by honesty,sincearity and last but not the least ' luck' then nobody can stop you to become a winner.........

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The important qualities would be 1. self confident and persevering 2. stong urge to learn 3. Apply things learnt 4. Be emotionally balanced and some time insensitive to insults and conflicts 5. Keep the goals clear and never sway away from that. 6. Use tact when needed,  bow when needed and demand when you need to. 6. Be honest and true to yourself and to others.

I would rate my self at  around 50% on all those. In fact it takes a whole life time to sucessfully master all these.

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  • Jun 5th, 2018

To be successful you must be willing to work hard and have confidence and let nothing stand in your way.

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