What do you think the role of test-group manager should be? Relative to senior management? Relative to other technical groups in the company? Relative to your staff?

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  • Jun 6th, 2005

ROLES OF test-group manager INCLUDE 
* Defect find and close rates by week, normalized against level of effort (are we finding defects, and can developers keep up with the number found and the ones necessary to fix?) 
* Number of tests planned, run, passed by week (do we know what we have to test, and are we able to do so?) 
* Defects found per activity vs. total defects found (which activities find the most defects?) 
* Schedule estimates vs. actuals (will we make the dates, and how well do we estimate?) 
* People on the project, planned vs. actual by week or month (do we have the people we need when we need them?) 
* Major and minor requirements changes (do we know what we have to do, and does it change?)

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