How will be the testcases for product testing . Provide an example of test plan template

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  • Apr 5th, 2006

A test engineer has to write test cases on the basies of functional document provided for that product or if document is not prepaired then he / she will disscuss  the functionality with functional team and on that disscussion one can wirte test cases.

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  • May 15th, 2006


I totally agree wtih mr.Amte. As u dont have any particular requirement. so u have to discuss with team and write test cases. but personaly u need to note the fundamental features and ristrictions of differnret features and then start write test case. just like

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  I feel writting test cases for a project is little bit different than product , we have followed in the below process.

1. First raw (Common functionalities) test cases will prepared and stored at VSS

2. Next for new client, we take that raw test cases and modified as per the new company requirements

3. So will maintain the cases per company wise

4. If at all new changes came we will update accordingly

5. Make sure that added new changes will not be effect the existing clients

Test plan: In test plan also we need to update it with extra effort need to spend for the cases.


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