What is meant by P2P?

Skill/Topic: Networking Basics
A) Peer to Peer
B) People to People
C) Program to Program
D) Plan to Program

Showing Answers 1 - 15 of 15 Answers


  • Nov 29th, 2005

A Peer to Peer

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  • Dec 27th, 2005

When two systems communicate over the network, then they use a Model called the OSI(Open System Interconnection) Model. This OSI Model is a layered architechture. That is it consists of 7 related but different layers. Each layer takes the data meant for it and adds some control information in the form of headers or trailers and sends the whole data to the layer next to it. Peer to peer process is the communication between layerX in one system with the layerX in the other system.

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sanjay anand

  • Feb 16th, 2006

peer to peer

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According to me its point to point protocol used in concept Virtual private network(VPN) or else u can use EAP(Extensible Authentication protocol)..

Further details visit google.com

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Peer-to-peer is a type of network design where all devices support roughly equivalent capabilities. Peer-to-peer networking (also known simply as peer networking) is in contrast to client/server networking, where certain devices have responsibility for providing or "serving" network information and other devices consume or otherwise act as "clients"of those servers

Peer-to-peer networking is most common on small LANs, particularly Windows home networks. Peer networking on the Internet gained widespread popularity thanks to file sharing services like Napster. However, many of these file sharing services, including Napster, actually integrate both peer and client/server networking design. Technically, these are called hybrid networks.

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  • Jun 25th, 2007

In Peer to peer  networking the data transfers in unicasting.i.e,frm one system to another system.Only win-98 will support peer-peer networking.

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In peer-peer networking the data is transferred in unicasting.i.e, from one system to another system.Only win-98 will support peer-peer networking

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