Write the test cases for ATM in security point of view

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  • Member Since Nov-2009 | Dec 30th, 2009

Here are a few security test cases for an ATM:

1) insert wrong card
2) insert card wrong way
3) invalid account
4) expired card
5) replaced card
6) card reported stolen
7) suspicious activity on card
8) improper pin three times
9) improper pin is off by one digit (ex: 2512 vs 2612)
10) single sum withdrawal from checking that is over daily limit
11) multiple withdrawals from checking that together are over daily limit
12) single sum withdrawal from savings that is over daily limit
13) multiple withdrawals from savings that together are over daily limit
14) withdrawal from checking and then savings where total is over daily limit
15) withdraw from checking in excess of balance by $.01
16) withdraw from savings in excess of balance by $.01
17) withdraw from checking through teller and then withdraw in excess of balance
18) withdraw from savings through teller and then withdraw in excess of balance
19) take server down in the middle of checking withdrawal and try to complete
20) take server down in the middle of savings withdrawal and try to complete
21) submit two withdrawal requests where account numbers differ by one digit
22) submit two withdrawal requests where account names are the same 

Showing Answers 1 - 20 of 20 Answers


  • Dec 13th, 2005

TC 1:- successful card insertion.

TC 2:- unsuccessful operation due to wrong angle card insertion.

TC 3:- unsuccessful operation due to invalid account card.

TC 4:- successful entry of pin number.

TC 5:- unsuccessful operation due to wrong pin number entered 3 times.

TC 6:- successful selection of language.

TC 7:- successful selection of account type.

TC 8:- unsuccessful operation due to wrong account type selected w/r to that inserted card.

TC 9:- successful selection of withdrawal option.

TC 10 :- successful selection of amount.

TC 11:- unsuccessful operation due to wrong denominations.

TC 12:- successful withdrawal operation.

Tc 13 :- unsuccessful withdrawal operation due to amount greater than possible balance.

TC 14 :- unsuccessful due to lack of amount in ATM.

TC 15 :-un due to amount greater than the day limit.

TC 16 :- un due to server down.

TC 17 :- un due to click cancel after insert card.

TC 18:- un due to click cancel after indert card and pin no.

TC 19:- un due to click cancel after language selection,account type selection,withdrawal selection, enter amount


  • Feb 20th, 2006

your Comment on ATM Sec is good.

mail me ur details

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  • Jul 23rd, 2007

TC 1 :- succesful card insertion.
TC 2 :- unsuccessful operation due to wrong angle card insertion.
TC 3 :- unsuccesssful operation due to invalid account card.
TC 4 :- successful entry of pin number.
TC 5 :- unsuccessful operation due to wrong pin number entered 3 times.
TC 6 :- successful selection of language.
TC 7 :- successful selection of account type.
TC 8 :- unsuccessful operation due to wrong account type selected w/r to that inserted card.
TC 9 :- successful selection of withdrawl option.
TC 10 :- successful selection of amount.
TC 11:- unsuccessful operation due to wrong denominations.
TC 12 :- successful withdrawl operation.
TC 13 :- unsuccessful withdrawl operation due to amount greater than possible balance.
TC 14 :- unsucceful due to lack of amount in ATM.
TC 15 :- un due to amount greater than the day limit.
TC 16 :- un due to server down.
TC 17 :- un due to click cancel after insert card.
TC 18 :- un due to click cancel after indert card and pin no.
TC 19:- un due to click cancel after language selection,account type selection,withdrawl selection, enter amount

1. Check whether Card Insertion place is instructed properly
2. Check the Card is accepted in damaged condition also
3. After inserting the card check whether the user details has displayed correctly
4. Check the Authentication for pin number
5. Check the maximun tries for wrong Authentication
6. Check any alarm appears, after authentication fails
7. Check if we try to withdraw more than our account balance
8. Check for the proper selection of Account Type
9. Proper information display, if the machine is not in use
10. Check if we try to withdraw more than the Day limit
11. Check if the user information is closed after taking back the card

ATM in security point of view

1. Check whether if the customer insert the other bank card ATM it should access their account by asking the permission from them

2. Check if the other bank is inserted the pin number is correct 

3. Check whether the user draws from other bank the amount is given by verifying with the current account


1. To check whether the ATM m/c accepts the ATM card
2. To check whether the ATM m/c throws the error msg if the card is not properly inserted
3. To check whether the ATM m/c displays the login page displaying the user name
4. To check whether the ATM m/c asks for the security pin
5. To check whether ATM m/c throws the error msg when the pin is incorrect
6. To check whether ATM m/c accepts for transaction if the pin entered is correct
7. To check whether the ATM m/c displays the msg for savings, current etc.

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Here are a few security test cases for an ATM:

1) insert wrong card
2) insert card wrong way
3) invalid account
4) expired card
5) replaced card
6) card reported stolen
7) suspicious activity on card
8) improper pin three times
9) improper pin is off by one digit (ex: 2512 vs 2612)
10) single sum withdrawal from checking that is over daily limit
11) multiple withdrawals from checking that together are over daily limit
12) single sum withdrawal from savings that is over daily limit
13) multiple withdrawals from savings that together are over daily limit
14) withdrawal from checking and then savings where total is over daily limit
15) withdraw from checking in excess of balance by $.01
16) withdraw from savings in excess of balance by $.01
17) withdraw from checking through teller and then withdraw in excess of balance
18) withdraw from savings through teller and then withdraw in excess of balance
19) take server down in the middle of checking withdrawal and try to complete
20) take server down in the middle of savings withdrawal and try to complete
21) submit two withdrawal requests where account numbers differ by one digit
22) submit two withdrawal requests where account names are the same 

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Few test case I have in mind:

Test Case of ATM:
Positive Scenarios
1. Insert card correctly, ATM must ask for valid pin number.
2. Enter valid pin number, card must be accepted, result in welcome Puneet.
3. Entered amount in multiples of $20 and less than $200 or acc to bank policy.
4. Confirmed amount and press OK/YES, Result in withdraw of payment entered.
5. Press Yes for receipt, Result in receipt come out.

Negative Scenarios
6. Insert card in wrong way, Invalid card message should display on screen.
7. Enter wrong pin number, Invalid Pin/password message should display on
8. Enter amount in not multiple of 20, Enter correct amount in multiple of 20
message should be display.
9. Enter amount more than one time bank limit policy, Cannot withdraw that much
money message should display.

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See What's the question asked here" Write the test cases for ATM in security point of view"? Not for whole ATM machine

1.Swipe card and press cancel button,it should be cancel

2.swipe card and enter invalid pin number,it should show an error message of wrong pin no.

3.swipe card and enter valid pin no. and get cash then press 'no' for further transaction w8 for a sec then swipe again ,it should ask for pin no. again.

4.Swipe and get cash then press 'yes' for further transaction then it should ask for pin no. again.

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  • Feb 26th, 2016

TC 1: Succesful card insertion.
TC 2: Unsuccessful operation due to wrong angle card insertion.
TC 3: Unsuccesssful operation due to invalid account card.
TC 4: Successful entry of pin number.
TC 5: Unsuccessful operation due to wrong pin number entered 3 times.
TC 6: Successful selection of language.
TC 7: Successful selection of account type.
TC 8: Unsuccessful operation due to wrong account type selected w/r to that inserted card.
TC 9: Successful selection of withdrawl option.
TC 10: Successful selection of amount.
TC 11: Unsuccessful operation due to wrong denominations.
TC 12: Successful withdrawl operation.
TC 13: Unsuccessful withdrawl operation due to amount greater than possible balance.
TC 14: Unsucceful due to lack of amount in ATM.
TC 15: Un due to amount greater than the day limit.
TC 16: Un due to server down.
TC 17: Un due to click cancel after insert card.
TC 18: Un due to click cancel after indert card and pin no.
TC 19: Un due to click cancel after language selection, account type selection, withdrawl selection, enter amount

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