Define quality for me as you understand it

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  • May 23rd, 2005

It is software that is reasonably bug-free and delivered on time and within the budget, meets the requirements and expectations and is maintainable. 

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  • Jun 15th, 2005

Degree of perfection.The product that complies with specified requirments.

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  • Jun 19th, 2005

Conformance to explicitly stated functional and performance requirements,explicitly documented development standards and implicit characteristics that are expected of every professionally developed software.

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  • Jul 5th, 2005

a product is in good quality if it is 
meets the requiemets, 
Bug free, 
delivered on time, 
with in budget, 
and it must satisfy the end user.

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  • Jul 6th, 2005

Quality means: 
To satisy the customer 
To stay in the market 
To maintain the quality of the product 
To maintain the KPA's in the market 

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  • Jul 6th, 2005

A Quality s/w  
should satisfy customer requirements and expectaions . it should provide  
time to market 
cost to purchase  
privacy to user operations 

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S Rangineni

  • Jul 6th, 2005

Quality is subjective term.its reasonably bug-free and delivered on time and within the budget, meets the requirements and expectations and is maintainable.  

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Prashant Guleria

  • Jul 15th, 2005

To me a Quality means a product which meets at leas tpeer requirements or standards, so that it can be called a Quality product.

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  • Jul 28th, 2005

The degree to which a system, component, or process meets specified requirements  

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  • Jul 30th, 2005

Quality means fit for use.A system or product ready to use and working as how the product should work actually.

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  • Jul 30th, 2005

quality is a process to satisfy the given requirement and delivered on time, cost effective and its maintianable

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Jim Hancock

  • Mar 19th, 2006

There are three general views on quality:1) Meets or exceeds requirements.2) Generates customer satisfaction.3) Comparitively high on the "ilities" ...reliability, functionality, testability, portability, performance, maintainability, etc.#1 is the easiest to measure and #3 the hardest.Though some subscribe to one of these definitions over the others, I personally think their respective usefullness is dependant on the product and the situation.1) If you are building a space shuttle or a pacemaker, probably #1 is the best (assuming the requirements are perfect).2) If you are creating a new brand of ice cream, probably #2 is best.3) If you are creating a new cutting edge product it probably makes sense to think through the illities list in detail.And often it makes sense to at least think about all 3.The definition of quality has nothing to do with time to market or cost however (though quality processes produce a higher quality product). A Mercedes takes longer to make/design and cost more than a Yugo, but no one would argue the Yugo has higher quality.

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Feroz Khan

  • Jul 5th, 2006

In a simple way

Quality is Fitness  for Use----according to customer point of view

Quality is confirmance to requirements------according to tester  & developer point of view.

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To understand the meaning of qulity is,suppose  if there is any object then how to estimate the quality of the object.It is depending on
1.Is it correctly working or not?
2.Is it easy to understand the functinality?
3.Is it performance is very well or not?
4.Is it maintain the more load?
5.Is it bearable the certain load?
6.What are security levels of the object?
7.Is it easily maintainable or not?
and more

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Quality has many definitions depending on its context.  I will define quality as it pertains to the characteristics of software.

Quality refers to the extent that a software product or service satisfies its customers' needs. 

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