Consider a scenario where 2 instances of an appserver are running in a machine. And one application has been deployed in the two servers. Does these two applications deployed in two servers use the same JVM or different?

Showing Answers 1 - 4 of 4 Answers

Soccer Dude

  • Nov 26th, 2005

The straight forward answer is no.  If they are on two different servers (i.e. machines) then the answer is obviously no.  If the two app servers are running on the same machine, they each fire up their own environment to handle requests which will be routed to them via a webserver.

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  • Feb 4th, 2006

yes, they will share the same JVM but they'll create it's own environment. which will distiguish them from eachother.

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  • Aug 19th, 2006

If there are are two AppServer in a physical box, they must have their own JVM. So even if same application deployed on these appServer it will be on different JVM.

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Okay, so i have a question , if the 2 web applications are on the same server, 

Do they run on the the same JVM...but they have their own Servletcontext and their own runtime enviornment..?
Just like a sand box?..Please clarify this point.Thanks!

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