What is the command in QTP to invoke IE Brow?

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  • Nov 18th, 2005

Hai Everybody,

InvokeApplication "The path of the browser EXE file"

The following example uses the InvokeApplication function to open Internet Explorer.

InvokeApplication "E:\Program Files\Plus!\Microsoft Internet\IEXPLORE.EXE"



  • Nov 24th, 2005

Well SystemUtil.Run "iexplorer.exe","","",""  command can be used for this purpose. The other alternative can be choose the menu item record from

Test --> Record which opens up a Run and record settings dialog , Choose web tab from that dialog .

Select the radio button "Open the following browser when a record/run session begins"

Type the required URL to be opened in address field of the dialog and click ok

This open the required url in the browser every time in the run/record sessions

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  • Dec 5th, 2005

Hi All,

I am going to tell you all one another way of invoking IE.

Set IE1=CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
Set IE1=nothing



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  • Dec 13th, 2005

Hi all,

  To invoke the IE browser we can use-

  Systemutil.Run"C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\IExplore.exe"

 The above statement would take you to the about:blank webpage where you navigate to the URL required.

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  • Dec 13th, 2005

 Hi all,

  SystemUtil.Run"C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\IExplore.exe"

  The above statement would take you to the about:blank webpage and you can navigate to any URL as required.

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  • Feb 8th, 2006

Hi ..

Could u pls suggest object method to invoke a specific website e.g for invoking www.google.com replace the '??' wid appropiate syntax in the following script:-

Set IE1=CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")

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  • Feb 13th, 2006

SystemUtil.Run "iexplore.exe", "www.google.com"This can be used to open IE and directly naviage to google.com.


  • Jul 10th, 2007

Set IE1=CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
IE1.Navigate("site name")   /* with this you can navigate to the URL*/


  • Jun 6th, 2008

Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
programFiles = objShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%ProgramFiles%")
objShell.Exec(programFiles & "Internet ExplorerIEXPLORE.exe")

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  • Jun 16th, 2010

There are three ways to invoke IE browser and launch a website from QTP.

To be very specific to your question to invoke only IE browser in QTP you can do it but it will only open a blank IE browser. Inorder to do this you need to use the method called as "InvokeApplication"

Syntax: InvokeApplication "Path"

Example: invokeapplication "C:Program FilesInternet Exploreriexplore.exe"
Example: invokeapplication "C:Program FilesMercury InteractiveQuickTest ProfessionalbinQTPro.exe"  This will invoke QTP.

There are other ways to to launch IE browser and also a particular web site like google.com

1. We will use the "SystemUtil" object associated with a "Run" method

Syntax: SystemUtil.Run "url"

Example: SystemUtil.Run http://www.google.com

Here when you run this line of code systemutil.run executes a method called run by which the IE browser is opened and also the url mentioned is launched. This is useful when you want QTP to directly launch the website you want in a single step.

2. When you want to invoke IE and then launch a url through script you can use the object function linrary.

Set IE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
IE.Visible = True
IE.Navigate http://www.google.com

Kiran Paul

Three ways where we can open a browser

1.Set IE=createobject("internetExplorer.application")


IE.navigate "www.gmail.com"

2.systemutil.Run "iexplore.exe",”www.gmail.com”

3.oShell = CreateObject ("Wscript.shell")

oShell.Run Chr(34) & "C:Program FilesInternet ExplorerIEXPLORE.EXE" & Chr(34)

suseela G

  • Sep 19th, 2011

dim des
set des=description.create
invoke application "C:Progrm filesinternet Exploreriexplore.exe http://www.geekinterview.com"

This Invoke application opens the GeekInterview page with Internet Explorer browser.


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  • Sep 28th, 2011

invoke application, path of Web

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pradeep kumar

  • Nov 9th, 2012

systemutil.run"path of the file or browser" and invokeapplication"path of the file or browser"...

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amit kumar

  • Nov 23rd, 2012

Invokapplication is used only for windows application but if you open with invokapplication in web application then it does not open the application.

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  • Feb 11th, 2013

There are three ways to invoke IE browser and launch a website from QTP.

1. First we use the method called as "InvokeApplication"

Syntax: InvokeApplication "Path"

Example: invokeapplication "C:Program FilesInternet Exploreriexplore.exe"
(This will launch IE browser)

Example: invokeapplication "C:Program FilesInternet ExplorerIExplore.exe","www.google.com"
(This will launch IE browser and also a particular web site like google.com)

Example: invokeapplication "C:Program FilesMercury InteractiveQuickTest ProfessionalbinQTPro.exe"
(This will invoke QTP)

2. We will use the "SystemUtil" object associated with a "Run" method

Syntax: SystemUtil.Run "Application/URL"

Example: SystemUtil.Run "iexplore.exe"

Example: Systemutil.Run "C:Program FilesInternet ExplorerIExplore.exe","www.google.com"

Example: SystemUtil.Run http://www.google.com

(Here when you run this line of code systemutil.run executes a method called run by which the IE browser
is opened and also the url mentioned is launched. This is useful when you want QTP to directly launch the
website you want in a single step)

3. When you want to invoke IE and then launch a url through script you can use the object function linrary.

Syntax: Set IE1=CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
IE1.Navigate("site name") /* with this you can navigate to the URL*/

Example: Set IE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
IE.Visible = True
IE.Navigate http://www.google.com

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  • Mar 15th, 2013


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  • Aug 14th, 2017

I didnt write the code for launching application and Url, but if i run the code automatically chrome browser will open and url will set. I dont know how to control this. (i.e) While Recording the Script, I used chrome browser and URL, same thing will applied when i am running the code.

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