How do you plan test automation?

Editorial / Best Answer


  • Member Since Jan-2009 | Apr 9th, 2010

Some of the answers are close but missed the entire point of planning.. You should handle test automation as a project. Each project should consist of areas that have been targeted for test automation and then need to be planned out as and other type of project: This of course assumes that you already have in place what makes a test a candidate for test automation and approved by the required resources…as well as defined and have in place your framework and all automation artifact needed to make this this a successful development project. But as a minimum the plan should include:

1. Introduction
What is the automation objectives

2. Scope
What we are automating

3. Test Strategy
The strategy is to automate the scope

4. Test Schedule
What is the timeframe for completion? What is the execution schedule?

5. Functions to Be Tested
List what we are testing/verifying and how…the flow can go here as well

6. Resources and Responsibilities
Who do we need to do this and what parts will they be automating, setting up, etc.

8. Deliverables
What will we be turning over once completed? Automated scripts for one.

9. Dependencies
What do we need to be in place, setup, etc to do this?

10. Risks
What are the risk involved?

Showing Answers 1 - 13 of 13 Answers


  • May 27th, 2005

1. Prepare the automation Test plan 
2. Identify the scenario 
3. Record the scenario 
4. Enhance the scripts by inserting check points and Conditional Loops 
5. Incorporated Error Hnadler 
6. Debug the script 
7. Fix the issue 
8. Rerun the script and report the result.

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raghavendra A.R

  • Jul 4th, 2005

what is the difference between test plan and test strategy? 
what is test build? 
plz give me the answers of these questions

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  • Jul 11th, 2005

plz give me the answers of these questions

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  • Jul 12th, 2005

please se4nd answer for qustion 
How do you plan test automation? 

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anita v

  • Jul 13th, 2005

This is answer to Test strategy. The testing strategy should define the objectives of all test stages and the techniques that apply. The testing strategy also forms the basis for the creation of a standardised documentation set, and facilitates communication of the test process and its implications outside of the test discipline. Any test support tools introduced should be aligned with, and in support of, the test strategy. Whereas the test plan is the requirements definition and design specifications facilitate in the identification of major test items and these may necessitate the test strategy to be updated. A detailed test plan and schedule is prepared with key test responsibilities being indicated

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suresh s

  • Aug 3rd, 2005

Test Plan is a document it is created by the test lead or the test manager which contains whole testing activity that we are going to perform on the application.  
Companies will fallow their own way while dsigning of these documents. 
Generally test plan is created for every phases in the testing phases that means for Unit testing Unit testplan , for intigration Intigaration test plan, ... system test plan.... 
Test stratergy is the document which briefly discribes the testing activity.

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  • Sep 19th, 2005

Test plan is desribed by test lead,in that plan we are going to test the application,testing is started with this planing area,in that what to test ,who to test ,when to test and where to test of the particular application.planing contains

  1>Team formation

 2>Test plan

 3>Review of the plan

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  • Jan 25th, 2008

You plan test automation when you are repeat test scenarios over and over in different builds.

Test automation is done in function, regression and also in integration testing.

Depending on the automation scenario you could write your own automation tool or use a market licensed version or a open source one.

eg: In Integration testing of modules on an Unix platform Shell scripts are often used
to automate the testing.

Likewise in CRM applications Junit , C etc can be used to build your own tools.

When GUI testing is involved Vendor supplied tools like Silk is often used in functionality testing and regression testing.

Planning of automation is done based on the project needs, timeline , resources available, skill of the resources and the cost involved.

In many product companies that own a dedicated QA department vendor licensed tool is widely used. The Lead hence can plan on usage of this based on the identifcation of scenarios.
In small companies writings one's own automation tool is encouraged to help speed the testing process.

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Following are the sequential steps to conduct automation plan:

Preparing Test Scenarios
Implementing Test Cases from the Scenarios
Recording the module operations and inserting check points where ever they are required
Playing back or run the recorded script to get the test reults
Identify the the test result and assign the suitable status to the open bugs
Conduct regression testing and find the test coverage

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  • Apr 9th, 2010

Some of the answers are close but missed the entire point of planning.. You should handle test automation as a project. Each project should consist of areas that have been targeted for test automation and then need to be planned out as and other type of project: This of course assumes that you already have in place what makes a test a candidate for test automation and approved by the required resources…as well as defined and have in place your framework and all automation artifact needed to make this this a successful development project. But as a minimum the plan should include:

1. Introduction
What is the automation objectives

2. Scope
What we are automating

3. Test Strategy
The strategy is to automate the scope

4. Test Schedule
What is the timeframe for completion? What is the execution schedule?

5. Functions to Be Tested
List what we are testing/verifying and how…the flow can go here as well

6. Resources and Responsibilities
Who do we need to do this and what parts will they be automating, setting up, etc.

8. Deliverables
What will we be turning over once completed? Automated scripts for one.

9. Dependencies
What do we need to be in place, setup, etc to do this?

10. Risks
What are the risk involved?

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