What steps have you followed while automating?

1) Running the test manually and ensuring a "pass".
3)Checkpoints/Verification points
4)Parameterization if necessary
5)Output values if necessary
6)Set regular Expressions if necessary
7)Alter the Code if necessary
8)Configure Object Identification if necessary
9)Playback the script to ensure a "pass" again

Showing Answers 1 - 2 of 2 Answers

What steps have you followed while automating?
1) Running the test manually and ensuring a "pass".
2) Recording
3) Checkpoints/Verification points
4) Parameterization if necessary
5) Output values if necessary
6) Set regular Expressions if necessary
7) Alter the Code if necessary
8) Configure Object Identification if necessary
9) Playback the script to ensure a "pass" again

Brief explanation of steps followed while automation.
First form naming standard for decl. variables and function naming, objects in OR naming and so on.
Create OR. try and identify all the objects and store in OR.
Create Input data file from which you need to give data to script.
Create result folder where all the results are to be stored.
All the above steps are to be done before going to start script.
Try not to record the script any time it is not the correct way of automating an app. It will work if the appl. is not changed in future and the full data is hard coded.
If you need to check with some other data you need to go to script and change it. then if any thing is changed it will be difficult to debug.
It is just an overview how we start with Automation

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