What is subnetting? why is it used?

Questions by vivekravindran

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A portion of a network that shares a common address component. On TCP/IP networks, subnets are defined as all devices whose IP Address have the same prefix. For example, all devices with IP addresses that start with 100.100.100. would be part of the same subnet. Dividing a network into subnets is useful for both security and performance reasons. IP networks are divided using a subnet mask

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  • Jan 17th, 2006

A portion of a network that shares a common address component. On TCP/IP networks, subnets are defined as all devices whose IP Address have the same prefix. For example, all devices with IP addresses that start with 100.100.100. would be part of the same subnet. Dividing a network into subnets is useful for both security and performance reasons. IP networks are divided using a subnet mask

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  • May 6th, 2006


give me a full deatle of subneting.if your a good man then you can give


  • Jul 4th, 2006

Subnetting is a way to divide ur n/w in the best possible way so the ip add do not get wasted.

eg- a Class C n/w has 254 hosts but if ur n/w only needs 154 ip add ie 100 are wasted so u can divide that as per ur need. 

Rameshkumar Kaliamoorthi

  • Dec 4th, 2006

Allows the flow of ntw traffic b/w hoststo be segregate based on ntw config.. By organizing hosts into logical groups, subnetting can improve ntw security & performance.

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  • Apr 20th, 2009

Subnetting is the process of modifying of an IP network into smaller logical
IP networks , known as subnets. In this process the address space of a unicast
address prefix is divided to allocate the subnets of an organizational network
in such a way that only fewer possible addresses are wasted. Subnetting is
useful as it provides the following facilities:

1. Address flexibility: minimum loss of IP addresses
2. Broadcast containment, that is, smallest Broadcast domains: each subnet is a
different broadcast domain which reduces the collision.
3. Low level LAN security: Each subnet can be managed separately increasing the
security level.

To explain, a class B address prefixes support up to 60,000 hosts. But it is
technically impossible to make a single subnet for this 60,000 hosts. But with
subnetting, the space in that prefix address can be better used making different
subnets containing lower number of hosts without requiring router

For example, an IP address contains first 16 bits as network
bits where as rest 16 bits as host bits. Among this 16 host bits first 8 host
bits can be used for subnetting for the newly created subnetted address prefix.

If is subnetted as explained, separate subnets with their own
subnetted address prefixes can be created, each of the subnet containing 254
hosts as,,,, and so on.
The router can detect the separated subnetted address prefixes to forward the
packets to the appropriate subnet.

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  • Nov 19th, 2012

Subnetting means network divide into sub networks. It is used to reduce the network traffic or congestion.

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  • Feb 8th, 2014

sub netting,divided the large network into small set of segment.

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  • May 29th, 2014

Grouping of ip addresses, in case of consider a organization has been allocated with IP address to then, if the organization needs to separate the ip Address into groups for financial, developing, testing departments, it will use subletting which will divide a larger network into groups for the easier identification of the devices.

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  • Jul 25th, 2015

Subnetting which divides the larger network
Advantage: Controls the traffic

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  • Jul 14th, 2016

Achieving security with a complex network is risky. So subnetting is the process of dividing bigger network in smaller chunks. It helps in achieving security.

Performance is also improved because firstly we are searching complete routing table but now first a subnet will be find out than the host in the subnet.

Somehow it makes communication a complex process because firstly communication was a 3 step process but now it became a 4 step process.

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usama jamil

  • Aug 10th, 2016

Subneting is used for dividing bigger networks into smaller chunks. Performance is improved and security is improved. Minimum loss of IP addresses.

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  • Apr 12th, 2018

Sub netting means dividing the large SINGLE network into many small networks . the main REASON to divide like this ..is to REDUCE or PROHIBIT DATA TRAFFIC during transfer.

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