Describe to me the Software Development Life Cycle as you would define it?

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  • Oct 25th, 2005

Software development life cycle(SDLC) is the entire process to be adopted from Requirement analysis, designing, coding, integration, testing, implementation, installation and maintenance stages of any software developed product. i.e. Waterfall model,V-model,RAD model or Industry's own developed specific model -Mukesh Chauhan Bangalore  

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In any type of SDLC (Softeare Development Life Cycle) the following fields are there.

1 . Intial --> From this FRS is developed by BA

2.  Analysis --> Form this SRS is developed

3.  Design  --> From this TDD is developed

4.  Coding --> Actual programming is done

5.  Testing --> testing is started here on Build wise

6. Delivery and Manintance --> Project stopped or under maintnance.

The various levels of testing illustrated above are:


     Define Requirement

    Design system

   Code system



?                                 Unit Testing

?                                 Integration Testing

?                                 System Testing

?                                 User Acceptance Testing

The goal of each testing level is slightly different thereby ensuring the overall project reliability.

Each Level of testing should provide adequate test coverage.
Unit testing should ensure each and every line of code is tested
Integration Testing should ensure the components can be integrated and all the interfaces of each component are working correctly
System Testing should cover all the ?paths?/scenarios possible when using the system

The system testing is done in an environment that is similar to the production environment i.e. the environment where the product will be finally deployed.

There are various types of System Testing possible which test the various aspects of the software application.

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The various activities which are undertaken when developing software are commonly modeled as a software development lifecycle.

There are 6 phases in SDLC

1. Initial 2. Analysis 3. Design 4. Coding 5. Testing 6. Delivery & Maintanace



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A set of processes followed to develop a software product is called as Software Development life Cycle.Usually there are two different types of flows to indicate the life cycle.

First Flow:(Traditional method)
1. Requirement Analysis
2. Design
3. Development
4. Testing
5. Implementation
6. Maintenance.

This is not a very effective cycle since Testing takes place only after the entire development of Coding is done and before the product is launched and goes to the maintenance phase. So the defects in early stages (ie. in the design phase and requirements analysis phase)cannot be found out which later found involves high cost in fixing the bugs.

Hence the most commonly used method is as below.

1. Requirement Analysis 
2. Design
3. Development
4. Implementation
5. Maintenance.

Here all the five stages undergo testing wherein the bugs can be found at early stages which serves economical.


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