1) Without execution cobol program how to see output?2) how to rename input filename and outputfile name?3) what is flag?4) what is impact analysis what basis how will you write test cases?5) how you sea output of cics command?6) how are datasets concatenated explain with example?

I don't know
please give me answer

Showing Answers 1 - 7 of 7 Answers


  • Oct 23rd, 2005

According to my knowledge,

1) without execution cobol program how to see output?

You cannot see the output of a program unless you have executed the program. but You can see the results of a CICS pgm using INTERTEST.

2) how to rename input file name and outputfile name?

3) what is flag?

Flags would be assigned a value based on some condition. While using it for some processing, there is no need to calculating every time. u can calculate one time and keep the decision saved in a varibale. this can be used multiple times.

4) what is impact analysis what basis how will you write test cases?

Say you are changing a module, this module may be interacting with many other modules or the results of this module may be used by some other module. Any changes done for some bug fix in this module should not change the functionality of any module. This is main purpose of Imapct analysis.

To write the test cases, we need to be aware of the functioanlity of the module and the working of the module.

5) how you sea output of cics command?

INtertest while testing.....

6) how are datasets concatenated explain with example?

//            DD DSN=file2.file, DISP=SHR

//            DD DSN=file3.file, DISP=SHR

if any answers are wrong , plz do correct me.

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  • Oct 23rd, 2005

is there any such thing like oops concept in cobol

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In the true OO languages, objects are realized at run time. In most of them an object could be replace or re-designed and the program re-run (without re-compilation) and the new object behavior would take effect. I call this, for lack of a better term, dynamic objects. COBOL cannot support dynamic objects, except for the limited capabilities of called libraries. But the major benefits of objects can be obtained in COBOL by the use of static objects. At the source level, both for design and programming, static objects can be treated almost exactly like dynamic objects.

Read the complete tutorial

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  • Nov 10th, 2005

a flag is a level 88 variable that is useful for checking conditions

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  • Apr 26th, 2006


Hi !!

I think that the last one mentioned for Concantenation of 2 files is incomplete. The DD Names should be specified as part of the SORT Step.

You can pass on 2 files as Input files and the new concatenated file should be specified along with DCB and other parameters as the output file.



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1) Without executing the program, there is no output to see.

2) If you are talking about changing the DD names of the files, can't be done without also changing the corresponding ASSIGN statements in the program.

3) A flag is another name for a variable in the program whose function is solely to control program execution based on its value. A typical flag might indicate whether EOF on an input file had been reached or not.

4) Impact analysis is a determination of how a potential change can affect an existing system. Test cases can verify the impact analysis by covering a spectrum sufficient to cover all categories of situations affected by the change.

5) That would depend on the command - a SEND MAP would be quite different from a RECEIVE MAP, for instance. To be able to 'see' the results of any sort of command, you need to execute the program using a interactive debugger such as INTERTEST or EXPEDITOR.

6) This is handled thru JCL and done by listing the multiple dataset names with the DD name specified on the first such file and omitted on the ones immediately followed.

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