# What is the final entry in BDC Table ?# how can i get output on same page ?# why Transaction Varient need ?# if i have table control, what is the same code in PBO and PAI ?# who take care of data while passing to application server ?# what is output : if i click on no: 3.do 5 times.hide sy-index.write / sy-index.enddo.at selection-screen.write / sy-index.endat.# Why BAPI need then BDC ?# what happen if i use controll break statement in between select & endselect ?# What is lock Object ?# Select option work like _____________on Selection Screen ?# which sysgtem variable have current value during execution ?# What is the main point while using controll bareak in internal table ?# Waht is Field sysmbol ?# Smartform uses wisely then selection screen, why ?# Which one is not an exit comand ? (Exit, cencle, stop, back)# Which component gives you better visibility ? (pritty Printer)# Explain about roll area , Dispatcher, ABAP-Processor.

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  • Nov 26th, 2006

ok_code is the final entry in bdc table and its value is #11

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  • Nov 26th, 2006

lock object helps to prevent simultaneous access of a table. there are three modes to lock object(exclusive, shared, cumulative).even single field of a table can be locked

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