How do we track a bug? What is the format of excel sheet in which we write the bug details? How do we give the severity and priority to the bugs?

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  • Oct 16th, 2005

There are different bg tracking tools n the market , but rational clear quest is the most commonly used tool.

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tracking a bug is much easier and communicative when done through a tool.

format of the tool:


(bug id is usually generated by the tool)

outside the excel sheet we might need to fill the fields like:

tester name (uasually genrated with the login name)

date of execution etc. 

a <submit> and < cancel> button

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  • Mar 22nd, 2006


     Serverioty of bug depends on how much it will going to affect the system

     Priority of bug depend on how much earlier bug should be fixed to carry testing process

Bug Tracking : Any bug that is detected will have a status as New->Next Open->Assigned to developer-->Fixed-->Assigned to tester-->If pass after validation ,close the defect,if fail ,assign it back to the developer.This is the general flow of bug tracking ,either you may use a bug tracking tool or an excel sheet.It is convenient to use a bug tracking tool,but if we use an excel sheet also,we can change the status in each and every phase of bug life cycle.

Defect/Bug Format :

Bug/Defect Id:

Summary :

Steps to Reproduce/Description:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Detected By :abcd

Version Number :xx.0

Feature/Sub Module/Module :abcd/ab/a


Priority :High,Medium,Low

Reproducible :Yes/No

Assigned to :Developer/Tester/QA Manager/etc

Status :New/Open/Fixed/Closed etc

Test Case Number :xx

Depending upon the company strategy we can add some extra fields in excel sheet or remove some fields which are not needed

Severity is the seriousness or the impact of the defect over the application/product functionality.It can be specified in different ways:

Critical,High,Medium and Low.

Critical :example like system halt or stuck i.e unable to proceed further testing

High :example like some main features are not working properly,where the user has a maximum usage

Medium and Low :This type of defects are not so urgent to be fixed ,but can wait for some time ,because there is impact on the functionality is not as severe as in critical and high.But should be fixed before releasing to the client.

Priority :By specifying the priority as high,medium and low ,a developer can understand which defect needs to be fixed prior to which defect.A developer will fix the defects that are having high status,next medium,next low.

To provide a priority status there is a formula as Priority=Severity (vs) Ratings

Ratings:It is decided as Always,Sometimes,Never.Always means every time defect is reproducible when a certain test case is executed.Sometimes means the defect is occuring for sometimes,but not always.Never mean the defect has occured only once ,but never occured when tried to reproduce

Example :Severity=High,Ratings=Always

Priority =High (vs) Always =High

Priority should be high,because severity is high and the defect is recurring always.This defect needs to be fixed by a developer with high priority.

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Lokesh Thakre

  • Aug 9th, 2007

The ans of this question is simple. You can tell them. how u r report the bug via bug report or Any BuG traking tool. In markt there are many tool availble.

now i have give the Example of the Lotus notes, this is one of the Traking tool Now if we are got the 1st build from the development side. Then we start the testing if any bug is found we log on the Lotus notes.
now the Status is open.
if the devloper is fix this bug the status of the bug is Resolved.
after tha the devloper is retun send to me then status of the bug is resolved.
after we are verfiy the bug is fixed or not . if it is fixed then we change the status fix.

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Usually we will be provided by a bug tracking tool in which we raise the bugs, in tool itself we will be getting all the formated fields which can help you to identify during which phase under which project bug has been raised,

Field details:

Detected Realese id,
observation (here we rt the actual result, simulation steps to reproduce,expected result)
Test case id: ( this will help to evaluate tht how much test case effective and relevent to the release notes,)

Module id,
menu name,

this kind of formate helps both develpore as well testing team to identify when it has been raised under which phase, so we can keep track in further phases.

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BUG TRACKING PROCESS:  This is a process used to manage defects from the time testers discover them to the time they are closed.  When testers discover defects they open bug reports and the status of these reports are set to 'New'.  These defects are generally reviewed by the Project Manager and representatives from development and test and are set to 'Open,' 'Duplicate' 'Won't Fix' or 'Postponed'.  After the developer handles the defect, they set the status to "Fixed, 'Duplicate,' 'Not Repro' or Won't Fix'.  The defect is ultimately sent back to the tester for closure.  If the tester doesn't agree with the previous assessment or discovers that the defect is still not fixed, the tester sets the status of the defect to 'Open' or 'Reopen' and provides compelling reasons why this defect requires further attention.

- defect id
- test case reference
- project name
- build found
- priority
- severity 
- status
- assigned to 
- submitted by
- submitted date 
- title 
- environment details 
- description of the issue 
- steps to reproduce the issue 
- expected results 
- actual results
- comments
- a way to include supporting documentation such as screen shots

The number of severity and priority levels varies between industry and company.  Here are some guidelines:

Severity is a subjective rating of a defect that takes into account its perceived impact on end-users.  The number and nature of severity levels vary between companies and the departments within. Here are some guidelines:

Showstopper: An issue that affects a central requirement for which there is no workaround. It prevents either use or testing of the system.
High: An issue that affects a central requirement for which there is a workaround. Use or testing of the system can proceed in a degraded mode.
Medium: An issue that affects a non-central requirement for which there is no workaround. The feature cannot be used.
Low: An issue that affects a non-central requirement for which there is a workaround.
Cosmetic: Information is correctly shown but the appearance is wrong, such as misspelled words, wrong font, wrong indentation, etc.

Priority is a a subjective rating of a defect as it relates to the business. The number and nature of priority levels vary between companies and the departments within. Here are some guidelines:

High:  Product cannot ship without the successful resolution of the work item, and it should be addressed as soon as possible.

Medium:  Product cannot ship without the successful resolution of the work item, but it does not need to be addressed immediately.

Low:  Resolution of the work item is optional based on resources, time, and risk.

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