How many types of assemblies are there , wat are they?

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  • Oct 13th, 2005

assembly is collection of compiled or executable components which versioned and deployed as single implimentation unit. assemblies are two types

1. private assembly- can be accessed only by single application

2. shared assembly-can be accessed by multiple applications in a system.

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  • Nov 11th, 2005

Private, Public/Shared, Satellite.

A private assembly is normally used by a single application, and is stored in the application's directory. A shared assembly is normally stored in the global assembly cache, which is a repository of assemblies maintained by the .NET runtime. Satellite assemblies are often used to deploy language-specific resources for an application. These language-specific assemblies work in side-by-side execution because the application has a separate product ID for each language and installs satellite assemblies in a language-specific subdirectory for each language.


  • Feb 22nd, 2006

Assemblies are 3 types1.private (Available for the same programm)2. public/shared (saved in Global Assemblie cache, for all .net assemblie)3. sattilite assemblies

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Kiran Kumar

  • Apr 6th, 2006

Assemblies are 4 types1.private Assemblies2. public/shared Assemblies3. sattilite Assemblies 4 Dynamic Assemblies

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  • Apr 8th, 2006

Assembly types




4)Satelite assemblies

Assemblies that are created when u build the application. It will be stored in applications directory.

Shared Assembly: This is about installing the assembly in GAC. Multiple applications can share this.

Lets see the steps to create this

Use sn -k for strong naming

Then use GACUTIL -i to install the assembly into GAC.

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  • Apr 15th, 2006

Four Type of Assemblies




Multicast Assembly

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vikas watane

  • May 15th, 2006

How many types of assemblies are there:

There are six type of assemblies:

1) Private assemblies

2) Shared/Public assemblies  

3) Sattelite assemblies

4) Dynamic assemblies

5) Single File assemblies

6) Multy File assemblies

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  • Jul 3rd, 2006

assembly is collection of compiled or executable components which versioned and deployed as single implimentation unit. assemblies are two types

1. private assembly- can be accessed only by single application

2. shared assembly-can be accessed by multiple applications in a system.

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.Net Assembly can be classified in four Categories:

  (A)  With Respect to  Program Access.
i) Private Assembly- It can be used only in one application.
         ii) Public/Shared Assembly- It can be used by all applications in the server.

  (B)  With Respect to Number of Resources.
i) Static Assembly- It uses fixed resources.
         ii) Dynamic Assembly- It supports dynamic creation of resouces or files at    
             runtime programatically.

  (C) With Respect to Deployment.
         i) Satellite Assembly- Easily Deployable. (Visual Studio 2005).
        ii) Resource-Only Assembly- In Visual Studio 2003.

  (D) With Respect to Number of Assemblies.
i) Single File Assembly- /Bin/x.dll

        ii) Multi File Assembly- /Bin/x.dll

Assemblies are the building blocks of .NET Framework applications. Public assembly- are the dll/exe file that can be used in different application. The main advantage of public assemblies is code reusability. Private assembly -is the assembly used inside the appliccationShared assembly- to run multiple versions of an application or component on the same computer. Satellite assembly -used for multi-cultural application in .NET

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  • Jun 30th, 2010

We know that assemblies are building blocks of application.

We can define assemblies in four types, they are.

1: Private or Local Assemblies: If an assembliy is copied in to the respective application in which we would like to use is know as local assembly.if any changes made to the copy that will not reflect the copies in other applications.

2: Public or Global Assembly: If an assembly is copied into the global place and reference is used from all other applications then this is called public or global assembly..if we want to copy assembly in global place we have to create strong name by using sn.exe.

3: Static Assembly: If pe file of an assembly is created at compile time and stored on the disc permantaly then its static assembly,,here pe file is manifest and msil in assembly are called as pe file.

4: Dynamic Assemblies: If pe file is created at run time ,stored on disc upto execution and destroyed after after execution then its called dynamic assembly..

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  • Nov 15th, 2011

In the Microsoft .NET framework, an assembly is is used by
the .NET CLR (Common Language Runtime)as a partially
compiled code library for use in deployment, versioning and
security. In the Microsoft Windows implementation of .NET,
an assembly is a PE (portable executable) file. There are
two types: process assemblies (EXE) and library assemblies
(DLL). A process assembly represents a process which will
use classes defined in library assemblies.
Assemblies consists of a manifest and one or more modules
and/or files like HTML, XML, images, video clips,...

An assembly must contain a single manifest and may
optionally contain type meta data, MSIL (Microsoft
Intermediate Language) and resources.

.Net Assembly can be classified in four Categories:

(A) With Respect to Program Access.
i) Private Assembly- It can be used only in one
application.This is the default style of assembly. Such
assemblies must reside in the application folder.
ii) Public/Shared Assembly- It can be used by all
applications in the server.
They must have a globally unique name and must be defined in
the GAC (Global Assembly Cache).

(B) With Respect to Number of Resources.
i) Static Assembly- It uses fixed resources.
ii) Dynamic Assembly- It supports dynamic creation
of resouces or files at
runtime programatically.

(C) With Respect to Deployment.
i) Satellite Assembly- Easily Deployable. (Visual
Studio 2005).
ii) Resource-Only Assembly- In Visual Studio 2003.

(D) With Respect to Number of Assemblies.
i) Single File Assembly- /Bin/x.dll

ii) Multi File Assembly- /Bin/x.dll

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Amit Kumar Sharma

  • Feb 27th, 2012


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  • Sep 7th, 2012

There are two types of assemblies
1.Private Assembly
2.Public/shared assembly

-Private assemble that can be used only with in a software applications is called private assembly.
-.Exe file extension
-stored every application in indirectly memory location.

-Public assembly is used by one or more software applications is public/shared .
- .dll file extension.
- Application stored in one memory location(GAC).

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  • Oct 27th, 2017

There are two types of Assembly 1-Private 2-Shared

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