What is the use of PUPBLD?

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  • Jan 20th, 2006

The PRODUCT_USER_PROFILE (PUP) table provides product-level security that supplements the user-level security provided by the SQL GRANT and REVOKE commands and user roles.

To create the PUP table

Log in to SQL*Plus as the SYSTEM user and run PUPBLD.SQL which is located in the ORACLE_HOME\SQLPLUS\ADMIN directory with:



  1. Set an environment variable, SYSTEM_PASS, to hold the SYSTEM user login with:


    where PASSWORD is the password you have defined for the SYSTEM user. The default SYSTEM user password is MANAGER.

    PUPBLD.BAT reads this login from SYSTEM_PASS to run successfully.

  2. Run the batch file, PUPBLD.BAT, from a command-line prompt with:


If you are using SQL*Plus with a remote database, you may want to install the PUP table on the remote database. To do this, run PUPBLD.SQL on the server directly, or set the LOCAL parameter in your registry to point to the remote database and then run PUPBLD.SQL.

Bhanu Shivakumar

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  • Nov 9th, 2006

The purpose of Product_user_profile table of SYSTEM is to control users from executing SQL commands.  For example, if you dont want one of your users to execute DELETE fommand, this can be implemented in this table.

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