For a bug with high severity can we give the priority also to be high...If so why we need both?For exampleseverity=1 and priority=1...Cant we have only priority/severity??

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  • Oct 19th, 2005

sevirity will be assinged bassed on tester perception where as priority will be assinged according to the development team... perception....  so, as a tester we cant predict developers Priority for fixing that bug

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  • Oct 27th, 2005

Severity:How bad the bug is and its influence on the software and the customer.

Priority:How important it is to fix the  bug and when shuld it be fixed.

So for eg:System has severity 1 and priority 1 ....since unless and untill the systm is up we cannot proceed ahead.........

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  • Nov 22nd, 2005

For a bug with high severity can we give the priority also to be high...If so why we need both?For example
severity=1 and priority=1...Cant we have only priority/severity??

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Jim Hancock

  • Mar 19th, 2006

Severity represents the impact to the application (set by QA). Risk is the likelihood of the bug happening times the severity. Priority is how soon it needs to be fixed (set by Dev lead or PM). If you can calculate risk (Severity * Likelihood) you can determine the overal stability of the application (i.e. it's maturity). Setting priroty however might involve bundling similar bug-fix work together, based on exposure, tied to release cycles, based on risk, workarounds available, etc. Priority tends to focus on increasing efficiency and lowering risk.

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Severity is the seriousness or the impact of the defect over the functionality of the application/product.By providing serverity ,one can understand how serious the defect is according to functionality.

Severity can be provided in different ways,like as Burning,Very High,High,Medium,Low,Very Low.

By providing Priority,developer can understand which defect needs to be fixed prior to which defect.It can also have different ways like High,medium,low...

A developer looks at the priority status and fix the defects that are having high priority first and medium next and low priority defects later.

To set a priority there is a formula like Priority=Severity (vs) Ratings.

Ratings can be provided in different ways like Always,Sometimes,Never.

Always means the defect is occuring again and again whenever that functionality where defect lurks is tested.Sometimes means it occurs only sometimes ,but not every time.Never means ,it only occured once,but never happened again.

Example :

Priority = Severity(High) (vs) Ratings (Always) = High.

This defect needs to be fixed by the developer first because its priority is high.

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  • Jul 8th, 2006


This is Sha. 
I think that Prority is given on basics on functionality, where as Severity is given on meaning

ex. Addtion of two number.

By giving two number as input the output generated is correct and hence the functionality is good. But if you try to give 2 alphabets as input, they are also added and the output generated will be meaningless.

We place this as High Severity, but we don't give High Prority because functionality is good.

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Defect reports should include both severity and priority.  Severity refers to impact on customer; Priority refers to the urgency of its fix.  You can have a high severity defect that doesn't necessarily need to be fixed, and you can have a low severity defect that needs to be fixed immediately. 

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