I want to create two instances of a class ,But when trying for creating third instance it should not allow me to create . what i have to do for making this?

Showing Answers 1 - 5 of 5 Answers

Bhavin Mehta

  • Sep 27th, 2005

i dont think it is directly possible thru any methods. u can use a static avriable to achive this. go thru following code:

public class test1
 static int cntr=0;
 { cntr++;
   throw new NullPointerException();//u can define a new exception  // for this

 public static void main(String args[])
  test1 t1= new test1();
  System.out.println("hello 1");
  test1 t2= new test1();
  System.out.println("hello 2");
  test1 t3= new test1();

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by keepineg count of number of objects

for example

public class ThreeObject{    private ThreeObject()    {        // no code req'd    }    public static ThreeObject getThreeObject()    {
      int count;      if (ref == null)       count = 0;   
            if (count <2)
{	ref = new SingletonObject();      
return ref;
count ++ ;
}    }    private static SingletonObject ref;}

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Here is a code snippet that will create maximum of two objects.

//This is a class that will create maximum of two objects for itself.

class stPlusOne
    private static int counter = 1;
    //Private constructor to ensure that no-one other than this class itself can create the object.
    private stPlusOne()
        System.out.println(" inside constructor counter -->"+counter);
    //Class level method that creates object and return's the reference to it.
    public static stPlusOne createObject()
        stPlusOne obj;
        if(counter<3) //if condition to ensure not more than two objects are created
            counter ++;
            obj = new stPlusOne();
            System.out.println("Can't create more than two objects......");
            obj = null;
        return obj;

    //main method
    public static void main(String[] args)
        System.out.println("Hello World!");
        stPlusOne obj1 = stPlusOne.createObject();
        stPlusOne obj2 = stPlusOne.createObject();
        stPlusOne obj3 = stPlusOne.createObject();
        stPlusOne obj4 = stPlusOne.createObject();

        if(obj1 != null)
            System.out.println("obj1.hashCode() --->"+obj1.hashCode());

        if(obj2 != null)
            System.out.println("obj2.hashCode() --->"+obj2.hashCode());
        if(obj3 != null)
            System.out.println("obj3.hashCode() --->"+obj3.hashCode());
        if(obj4 != null)
            System.out.println("obj4.hashCode() --->"+obj4.hashCode());


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