Disadvantages of Java

Questions by Beena   answers by Beena

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  • Sep 30th, 2005

Java language runs on a virtual machine, it runs somewhat slowly compared to other programs.  It is difficult to write a perfect program, especially if it is as big as a virtual machine

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Java has the following disadvantages.

  1. Because programs written in Java language runs on a virtual machine, it runs somewhat slowly compared to other programs. However, it is unlikely that it feels annoyingly slow on today's fast computers.
  2. Rather, a worse problem is that the programs do not always work correctly even if they are written correctly, because a Java virtual machine may be written incorrectly. It is difficult to write a perfect program, especially if it is as big as a virtual machine, so that programs written in Java langauge tend to suffer from slightly different problems depending on the platforms on which the Java virtual machines run.

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