Whether a Class,Method can be garbage collected or not?How?

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  • Sep 29th, 2005


class is structure,method is  a part of that one only,no one doesnt erase the claass, only its instance only.

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Devidas Sonawane

  • Oct 25th, 2005

Class is a programme means set of instructions and method is part of that class whichever is available in. That's why classes and methods are not garbage collected. but it's instance is garbage collected.

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well according to me objects are garbage collected (i mean memory allocated is let free)..... therefore i think methods/classes can't be garbage collected.......


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  • Jun 3rd, 2008

No a Clas, Methos cannot be Garbage collected simply because a class or Methoed does not have physical exestence in memory and garbage collector is only used for freeing up the memory which only applies to objects not classes or methods.So only objects can considered for garbage collection not  classes or methods..

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  • Jun 3rd, 2008

No a Class, Method cannot be Garbage collected simply because a class or Method does not have physical exestence in memory and garbage collector is only used for freeing up the memory which only applies to objects not classes or methods.So only objects can considered for garbage collection not  classes or methods..

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No. Class and methods aren't garbage collected.
Because Class is a logical construct in that we write methods or logics.
When we run Java program, class gets loaded in main memory that is RAM and methods gets loaded on stack.
When we create objects / instance of a class, memory is allocated on the heap for that object. When the program terminates the JVM calls the GC (Garbage Collection) to destroy the objects. We can't guarantee that when JVM invokes the GC.
Only objects are eligible for GC no classes and methods...

Umesh Kilkile

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  • Mar 28th, 2010

Class and Method are not garbage collected because class and methods are the predefined instruction formats for developing an object oriented programming.

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