What is quality matrices?

Questions by tripura

Showing Answers 1 - 7 of 7 Answers


  • Sep 26th, 2005

i think u r asking about metrics.it's not a matrices.Metrics is nothing but a measurement analysis.Measurment analysis and Improvement is one of the process area in CMM I L2. 

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Rekha Basu

  • Oct 3rd, 2005

Quality metrices:are documents which are used to measure the quality of the system built,Ex:Requirement mentrics,Test Metrics,Test Scripts metrics,Test Execution Metrics,Deffects Metricts.The main purpose of all these metrics is to measure the quality of the system.ex:we can if deffects are fixed and closed,if all the requirements are covered only using metrics.

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Quality metrics is used to measure various parameters in a Software Engineering.

1) It is used to measure the size of the project and complexity of the project.

2) Measuring the productivity of the people.

3) Tracking the progress of the project .

4) Analyse the software effectiveness and taking corrective action if necessary.

There are 4 types of metrics.

1) Product Metrics

2) Productivity Metrics

3) Person Month

4) Quality Metrics

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I think u are asking about metrics. Metrics is nothing but a measurement technique used to qualify and quantify a software. There are many different types of metrics to determine the effectiveness of testing.

To your question, I guess Quality metrics is the technique used to measure the quality of the software developed in terms of the effort spent in hours, defects reported and testcases executed within the span of time.

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 Metrics: Metrics are nothing but, quanitifying the task into a meaning ful way like how
                much time spent on the pirticular task, who was done, when it was started,

Types of Reviews:

 -> Requirement Metrics
 -> Task related Metrics
 -> Time Sheet Metrics
 -> Bug Metrics
 -> Test Reult related metrics, etc



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