What test you perform mostly? Regression or retesting in your testing process?

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Phani Kumar

  • Sep 26th, 2005

Very Testing Engineer Mostly consentrated on Regression Testing. It is Version Testing,that mean already built in module we test again.

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  • Sep 29th, 2005

Re testing is perfomed when individual module is tested.

regression testing is performed at the release of the application or after integration of all the modules, when a bug is fixed.

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  • Oct 5th, 2005

Retesting is the repeated execution of the test case which results in a fault,with the aim that fault has been cured,Regression testing is the renewed testing of already tested program or part after modification with the aim that the modification had not introduced a new fault or exposed any maskfault

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  • Oct 5th, 2005

Retesting is the repeated execution of the test case which results in a fault,with the aim that fault has been cured,Regression testing is the renewed testing of already tested program or part after modification with the aim that the modification had not introduced a new fault or exposed any maskfault

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  • Aug 13th, 2006


Testers often perform the retesting.


According to me retesting is nothing but repeating the execution of test case more than one time with the intent of findings bug.Repeat the testcase execution number of times to verify that functionality work as expected.


Regression testing is carried out only after having new build in which new feature might be added or the previous one might be changed due to the requirement change or due to bug fix. It is carried out on the whole build at once. While regression testing also, we are actually going back and Retesting the software to to check whether the old functionality is not affected by the new modifications.


  • Mar 24th, 2007

We perform regression testing so many times in the application.Because there are no of versions are released in that application. So,in every version we fix the bugs and these bugs are affected to remaing modules or not is verified that's way we perform regression mostly.

Retesting is depending upon the functionality of the application.This is not compulsory to test the entire application again compaire to regression.

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Both the testing are important....also the priority will vary depens on the requirement.


If there is any change in the existing code or functionality,to verify the defect closer,Re-Test will conduct.

Regression Testing:

To verify the other modules impact of that bug fixes.


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  • Jul 12th, 2008

Regression testing has been found to be useful, but it is very hard to quanify its value.  Ideally, the regression test should be broader than the original bug, as broad as it is practical to do.    Regression tests are a relatively low priority because most of them are unlikely to find new bugs, but they take very little effort to create because it is necessary to verify the fix, and the regression is very closely related to that verification.  But the whole regression suite should certainly be run before a major version, such as before a beta release, even if it will take an enormous amount of automated test resources because it can prevent an embarrassing regression.

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  • Jul 1st, 2009

We perform mostly Retesting.

Regression testing is retesting unchanged segments of the application system,
It normally involves rerunning tests that have been previously executed to
ensure that the same results can be achieved currently as were achieved when the
segment was last tested. The Regression phase is performed after the completion
of the Functional testing.

Retesting is depending upon the suggestion changes and modification on the
particular form or module. Retesting is doing till all test cases is check and
out put is correct as per test plan.

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