How to register tables and columns in AOL?

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  • Aug 31st, 2005

To register the table and columns in AOL the navigation is: 
Open Appliaction Developer---> Appliaction--->Database--->table.(In table mention the table name(which you want to register), user table name,columns,user column name). 
The table & columns which you are going to register should be present in your module specific schema.

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Nidhi Gupta

  • Sep 28th, 2005

sandeep Wrote: To register the table and columns in AOL the navigation is: 
Open Appliaction Developer---> Appliaction--->Database--->table.(In table mention the table name(which you want to register), user table name,columns,user column name). 
The table & columns which you are going to register should be present in your module specific schema.

No Sandeep we cant register a table or its column like that. the window you hav mentioned doesnt allow us to enter nething. we can just see all the registered tables and their columns here.

one way which i know  to register a table and their columns is thru backend .


where SQLGL is aplication short name and EXAM is the table name and T stands for Transaction Data


?EXAM? ? Table Name

?SNO? ? Column Name

1- Sequence one or column one

?NUMBER?- Number Data type


?N? ? Null able

?Y? ? Translate (Y/N)



  • Oct 3rd, 2005

Is that right

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  • Oct 4th, 2005

ad_dd.register_table and ad_dd.register_column are the procedure used to register table


  • Feb 21st, 2006

To reg. table

AD_DD.Register table table name('fnd',tablename,type);

where type=T OR V  T=Table,V=View


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  • Feb 27th, 2007

Sandeep is right. When you are registering a table or view to AOl, it first be present in your module specific schema. And you should register those table from backened too using AD_DD package if you are using flexfield or alerts on youir tables.

After creating table and registering them from backend, you have to register those table and columns to AOL .
Go to application developer responsibility.
press CTRL+L
it will show all function under that responsibility.
Choose register table
Enter all information.

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  • Mar 30th, 2007

Namita, i think you are wrong.

After creating table and registering it through back-end using AD_DD package, we
are able to view the table defination from application developer responsibility. Navigation: Application>Database>Table.

However we are not allowed to register Table/View/Sequence from front-end screen using Application Developer responsibility.

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hi i am explaining the actual process?
  --i want  to register table
  --- first we have to decide which schema we have to register po-ap-ar
  login to any schema
       create table emp(empno number,ename varchar2);
  login to apps schema
     create synonym emps for emp;
  use api to register tableand each column

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  • Jul 27th, 2007

While register table and column in aol we can use ad.dd package.
First create a table and grants to apps and create synonyms that table after that
1.register table:

? ad.dd_register_table('po','item','T',10,10,90);

PO:application short name;
Item:table name;
T: table or view or synonym
10:unused space;
90:used space;

then register columns.
ad.dd_register_column('application_short_name','table_name','index of the column','column_name','size',n,y);

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  • Sep 7th, 2007

All I have seen is perfect it is called as registeration of table through API
You can register a table using inbuild packages like ad_dd.register_table
and ad_dd.register_column
ad_dd.register_table('appln short name','table name','transaction/seeded')
it would be

ad_dd.register_column(‘SQLGL’, ‘test_table,’SNO’, 1, ‘NUMBER’, 5, ‘N’, ‘Y’);

‘EXAM’ – Table Name

‘SNO’ – Column Name

1- Sequence one or column one

‘NUMBER’- Number Data type


‘N’ – Null able

‘Y’ – Translate (Y/N)


  • Feb 21st, 2012

Flexfields and Oracle Alert are the only features or products that require the custom tables to be registered in Oracle Applications (Application Object Library) before they can be used. Custom application tables can be registered by using the AD_DD PL/SQL Package. If you are planning to use custom tables either in Alerts or in Flexfields, they need to be registered. The following method describe how you can register the tables.

ad_dd.register_table (Application short name, EMAIL_TEMPLATES, T);

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  • Mar 6th, 2012

Your answer is absolutely wrong, because the only way to register our own table into apps is AD_DD package, that to from back end only we must register, from front end we don't have a permission to do so.

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Table registration:
note: connect to custom schema (wip) --wip/wip@prod

1) Create table custom_vendors

2) Grant all on custom_vendors to apps;

3) Conn apps/apps@prod

4) Create public synonym custom_vendors for po.custom_vendors;

5) Exec ad_dd.register_table (po,custom_vendors,t, 8, 10, 90);

6) Exec ad_dd.register_column (po,custom_vendors,vendor_id, 1,number, 10,n,y);

Note: register all columns


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pandu golla

  • Apr 4th, 2013

Register table by using AD_DD.Register_table
Register column by using AD_DD.Register_column APIs

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