What are test bugs?

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  • Aug 13th, 2005

test bugs?  
Pls, specify, there can be testing and bugs but test bugs?

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  • Aug 25th, 2005

A bug is a defect in software that causes that same software to fail to comply to a given specification. You have two types of bugs: 1) code error related bugs and 2) design error related bugs

Anil maurya

  • Dec 3rd, 2005

hi, the bug found during the implemention of the test case is called testing bugs that means testing only.... but how it can be test bugs ..i agree with the poonam..

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Anil maurya

  • Dec 3rd, 2005

hi, the bug found during the implemention of the test case is called testing bugs that means testing only.... but how it can be test bugs ..i agree with the poonam..

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  • Jan 10th, 2006

test bugs are nothing but whether the implemention is correct are or not.


  • Apr 2nd, 2007

Does test bug refer to mutation testing, in which we will add some known bugs to the software and check if the appliction identifies it?

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  • Sep 14th, 2007

Bug is nothing but when the expected result and actual result are not same.

Or in some companies
When the defect is found by the tester, he sends it to the developer, if the developer accepts it, it will become bug or else it is defect.


  • Aug 20th, 2008

Test bugs are found when a test case is implemented and a mistake found in the test case. For example, attempting to follow a step that is no longer applicable using the presently tested build of the software.

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The issues which we find during the testing are called test bugs, i.e

When the developer develops the application and sends it through to QA/tester to test it on the developer site, the issues found on that particular site are called Test Bugs

Depending upon the company you have different types of environment on which you need to test.

1. Developer site
2. QA Environment
3. Regression Environment (which is close to production environment)

When you perform testing on the developer site and found the isuues, they are called test bugs and will be raised in Bugzilla, Jira etc

When you find any issues on the regression environment or Qa environment, u raise them in Remedy tool or Jira and call them as defects

When you are testing on any of these environments and find an issue, and checked with the production site, and if the issue is occuring even on the production site , then u raise it in Remedy or Jira and  name it as Production Issue

In short, the issues found by you on the developer owned site are called test bugs.

Hope my answer is clear


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  • Sep 10th, 2008

First of all, 'test bug' is not any  word, defined in any softare engineering book.
But the 'software bug', is an error or flaw in a computer program that may prevent it from working correctly or produce an incorrect or unintended result.


  • Feb 28th, 2010

Test bugs could mean anything. It depends on the context.

It could mean -
1. Bugs identified by test team
2. Verification of fixed bugs.

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