How do you configure a MVG?

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  • Nov 14th, 2005

To Configure MVG Both join and link are necessary.Expand BC Where u have the joined field. Go to multi value link create a new record give any name as it should not be null. In Destination BC property choose the BC where the joined field is originating (Child BC).In Destination link press F2 and pick the appropriate link.Go to field of parent BC create a field as ssa primary and give a join if BC has extensions like S_org_ext for account BC and give the column name (foreign key). Thengo to Multivalue link again and under primary ID field press F2 and select this ssa primary field. Go to Multivalue Field - create new record - give the same name of joined field but in different case just to differentiate( Ex: EMAIL for actual email field) under MVL property press F2 and select MVL name displayed. Under Field property press F2 and select 'email'.Open Wizard - select MVG applet - select child BC- Select all the fields along with SSA PRIMARY FIELD - select popup list as web template. Copy this MVG applet name and paste it in MVG applet property of EMAIL field in list - list column of parent list applet. (Ex: delete the old 'email' record, create new record and select EMAIL field. make changes in Edit web layout of parent list applet and compile. Add the necessary buttons in the MVG applet. IF configuring MVG for a M:M link u need to mentions association child applet to the MVG applet created. If that is 1:M link then a foreign key relationship exists.{Simple way to say: Create MVL(multivalue Link), mention primary field ID- Create MVF(multivalue field) - Replce the joined SVF(single value field) in parent applet list list column with the MVF. Create MVF applet paste the applet in MVG applet property. Compile.create new record in MVF give foreignkey name and under field give ID for 1:M link. For M:M link paste Association child applet associate applet property of MVG applet }

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  • Nov 15th, 2005

Wrote: To Configure MVG Both join and link are necessary.Expand BC Where u have the joined field. Go to multi value link create a new record give any name as it should not be null. In Destination BC property choose the BC where the joined field is originating (Child BC).In Destination link press F2 and pick the appropriate link.Go to field of parent BC create a field as ssa primary and give a join if BC has extensions like S_org_ext for account BC and give the column name (foreign key). Thengo to Multivalue link again and under primary ID field press F2 and select this ssa primary field. Go to Multivalue Field - create new record - give the same name of joined field but in different case just to differentiate( Ex: EMAIL for actual email field) under MVL property press F2 and select MVL name displayed. Under Field property press F2 and select 'email'.Open Wizard - select MVG applet - select child BC- Select all the fields along with SSA PRIMARY FIELD - select popup list as web template. Copy this MVG applet name and paste it in MVG applet property of EMAIL field in list - list column of parent list applet. (Ex: delete the old 'email' record, create new record and select EMAIL field. make changes in Edit web layout of parent list applet and compile. Add the necessary buttons in the MVG applet. IF configuring MVG for a M:M link u need to mentions association child applet to the MVG applet created. If that is 1:M link then a foreign key relationship exists.{Simple way to say: Create MVL(multivalue Link), mention primary field ID- Create MVF(multivalue field) - Replce the joined SVF(single value field) in parent applet list list column with the MVF. Create MVF applet paste the applet in MVG applet property. Compile.

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  • Mar 3rd, 2006

 MVG :  ["Link----->MVL----->MVF----->MVG Applet"]

 Link-----> relates Two BC's.
  MVL------> leverage links to support MVF's

 MVF------> allow Parent-Child information to be displayed in one View.

 1:M :

 1. Verify the Relationship is "1:M" 
      a. Go to Child or Many
Side BC and Verify the Foriegn Key Column

      b. Create a "SVF Field" in the Many Side BC to Reference the Foreign Key Column. 

 2. Create the "Link" or Select the Existing Link.

 3. Go to 'Parent BC' and Specify the "MVL" i.e,

      a. Create MVL

      b. Create MVF for each field in the child BC to be added to parent BC.

 4. Identify or Create an MVG Applet to display records from child BC.

 5. Enable User to Invoke the 'MVG' Applet

      a. Identify the "List Column/Control" that references the MVF.

      b. Invoke 'MVG Applet' in the MVG Applet Property and Set Run Time Property to True.

 6. Compile and test.


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