How to test the Web applications?

Showing Answers 1 - 8 of 8 Answers

krishna mohan p

  • Jul 31st, 2005

The basic differnce in webtesting is here we have to test for URL's coverage and links coverage. Using WinRunner we can conduct webtesting. But we have to make sure that Webtest option is selected in "Add in Manager". Using WR we cannot test XML objects. This can be tested uisng QTP

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sudip kumar sihi

  • Dec 22nd, 2005

U have to use different kind of browser like IE,NetScape,Mozilla etc.U need to test on different kind of OS,differnt kind of Hardwares

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  • Apr 5th, 2007

By using QTP Tool, we go for web application testing.

 Some steps i am mentioning here

1. Objectives 

2. Process and Reporting

3. Tracking Results

4. Test Environment

5. Usability Testing

6. Unit Testing

7. Verifying HTML

8. Load Testing

9. User Acceptance Testing

10.Testing Security

Naresh Babu.Sure

  • Apr 8th, 2007

The following  steps to be followed when are testing web based applications

1. we need to open the Winrunner (or any  tool) first

2. After that Browser

3. Making some changes before going to record
       browser->tools->contents->auto completion

In web application we will check for

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Following are the main features to test in a web application:

Functionality wise how the applictaion is going?
Is there any show stopper in the  application
Assigned links are taking to proper page or not
Integration wise the application  is going correctly or not
How fast the application is running

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