Difference between Web application Testing and Client Server Testing. 

State the different types for Web application Testing and Client Server Testing types?

Editorial / Best Answer

Answered by: kiran gopisetty

  • Aug 23rd, 2006

In Web Testing, you test the application with different browsers and different versions of the same browsers. Here, you would be concentrating on User Interface, Functionality and Performance of the application. In Client Server Testing, you don’t require any media/browser to test the application.


A higher degree of Security, Performance and Reliability testing is required for web based applications than client server applications becoz web based applications are multi user applications whereas client server applications are single user applications.


If the database is changed in client server application, the front end source code needs to be changed where as in web based, if the database changes, only the middleware has to be changed accordingly as client never interacts with the server directly. The business logic is @ middleware in web based application where as the same is at client in fat client/thin server architecture and at server in thin client/fat server architecture.

Showing Answers 1 - 9 of 9 Answers

chandra sekhar

  • Jul 24th, 2005

which winrunner 7.2 versioncompatiable with internet explorer, firefox,n.n

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vijay sankar

  • Sep 19th, 2005

chandra sekhar Wrote: which winrunner 7.2 versioncompatiable with internet explorer, firefox,n.n

The behavior of client-server application is predictable and controlable.

In web testing the behaviour is unpredictable and uncontrolable

The number of end users is predictable in C-S application and unpredictable in web testing.


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  • Sep 22nd, 2005

Client server appli is a 2 tier architecture

web based application is n tier architecture or MVC architecture .


In client server we have multiple clients accessing the data from a server ,so the client is the front end and the server is the backend where the data is stored.


In web based the browser acts as the client ,request is sent to the server via some protocols like HTTP protocol by the beans/services to the web server who sends it to the dbserver who processes the request and sends it back .



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Web aplication Testing :

1) It is a N-Tire Arcitecture.

2) It is access thru WAN

3) In this webserver ..like IIS is used to host the application

Client Server Testing :

1) It is a two tier arcitecture

2) It is access thru LAN

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kiran gopisetty

  • Aug 23rd, 2006

In Web Testing, you test the application with different browsers and different versions of the same browsers. Here, you would be concentrating on User Interface, Functionality and Performance of the application. In Client Server Testing, you don?t require any media/browser to test the application.


A higher degree of Security, Performance and Reliability testing is required for web based applications than client server applications becoz web based applications are multi user applications whereas client server applications are single user applications.


If the database is changed in client server application, the front end source code needs to be changed where as in web based, if the database changes, only the middleware has to be changed accordingly as client never interacts with the server directly. The business logic is @ middleware in web based application where as the same is at client in fat client/thin server architecture and at server in thin client/fat server architecture.


  • Apr 27th, 2007


                          web application testing means we will test application in any browswe client application particular system only we have t otest

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Following are the diffrences between web application and client server testing :

1)We can able to launch the client server application only in the installed locations where as we can open web application using an url

And we should launch data server , web server in order to launch web application no need to launch for the client server application

2)Client server applciation is Menu driven where as Web application is Link driven

3)We can able find very less content in the client server applcation where as we can able to find more content in the web application applications when compared to client server application.

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