What are the major differences between windows XP and Windows 2000 operating systems?

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Mohammad Jaleel Ahmed

  • Aug 2nd, 2005

Both Windows XP and 2000 come in diffrent flavours..likefor XP u have Home,professional and Enterprise Edition. 
With 2000 u have professional,Server/s as it professional is more like client pc in Client server Archietecture..can also be used for development environment.,.XP home for rather general purpose users..or say newbies with minimal configuration. 
With 2000 server you have all the server capabiities..plus...on default u might have NTFS system rather than FAT or FAT32. pluse with server u have capabalities..of hosting services like DHCP,DNS,TERMINAL SERVICES..etc.. 
There would be a lot if i start explaining in detail but for a creamy part...this is more than enough


  • Dec 19th, 2005

win xp is mainly designed for multimedia purpose .but win 2000 server is designed for securitypurpose

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  • Dec 19th, 2005

what is the difference between windows 2000 professional & windows xp?

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  • Feb 20th, 2006

Hi This is Vijay, I found few major differences between win2000 Proffi and winxp Proffi that are: 1.REMOTE DESKTOP: we can remotely connect winxp mechine from any windows sytem like win98,win2000,winxp and win2003 2.SHARING NETWORK CONNECTION: we can share easily our network resources to other people those r resided in other network. { whereas in win2000 ,we can share our internet connection to our local network only.} 3. FIREWALL: we can restrict deny the people in the internet who r trying to access our resources and wanto corrupt our systems like Hackers. 4.SOFTWARE RESTRICTIONS In Group Policy: we can restict the perticular users such that they cannt use perticular software using group policies. 5. Past switching user login: multiple users can login withought loging off already login user ,withought lossing any data in the same winxp mechine. 6. Version Confliction: we can install multiple versions of same aplication in one Mechine. (Even we can install in win98,win2000, Some where in the middle ,we face the problem.)


  • Apr 3rd, 2006

which one is better

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