The global warming causes ____ I. depletion of level of seawater II. deaths of marine animals III. unseasonal rains

II and III
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  • Feb 22nd, 2006

unseasonal rains

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  • Feb 2nd, 2012

deplection of sea level.....

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All of the above, IF AND ONLY IF :
- By "seawater" you mean just that, water from a sea or ocean with an average salinity of about 3.5% (35 g/L, or 599 mM). As global temperatures increase, this would causes a resulting continuing retreat of glaciers, permafrost and sea ice which would in turn would pump more fresh water - fresh water being water with less than a 0.05% salinity - into the sea and ocean. Thus the result would be a lowering of the average salinity in those bodies of water, which you could hence define as a "depletion of level of seawater". The resulting water would become more Brackish, that is water with a salinity somewhere between 0.5% and 3.0%, and would result in the "deaths of marine animals" unable to cope with the long term change in salinity. Also, as a result of increased fresh water the thermohaline circulation could be slowed down or at worst stopped - which would result in massive "deaths of marine animals". Equally, because there would be more available liquid water, "unseasonal rains" would become more common.

- OR -

- By "depletion of level of seawater" you really mean a lowering of the sea level, ie. the average height of the oceans surface. As global temperatures increase, so will the sea level.

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  • Mar 7th, 2012

Depletion of sea level

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