What is the significance of cross validate segments in the Key flexfield structure screen (figure 6)?

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  • Member Since Apr-2009 | Apr 9th, 2009

Cross validation (also known as cross segment validation) controls the combinations of values you can create when you enter values for key flexfields. A cross validation rule defines whether a value of a particular segment can be combined with specific values of other segments.

Cross validation is different from segment validation, which controls the values you can enter for a particular segment.

When a user finishes entering segment values in a flexfield popup window, the flexfield checks whether the values make up a valid combination before updating the database. If the user entered an invalid combination, a diagnostic error message appears, and the cursor returns to the first segment assumed to contain an invalid value.

Showing Answers 1 - 13 of 13 Answers


  • Dec 12th, 2005

Cross validation prevents the users from entering the invalid flexfield combinations. This is applicable to all the responsibilities

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Sachin kumar

  • Feb 23rd, 2006

It restrict the user to use a specific combination of value

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  • Oct 20th, 2006

hi you can use cross validation to closely control the creation of new keyflexfield combination & you can maintain a consistent & logical set of keyflexfield combinations that you need to run your organization.cross validation control the combination of values you can create when you enter values for keyflexfield

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  • May 24th, 2007

The Cross-Validate Segments check box  in the Key  Flexfield segment window((N) Setup>flexfields>Key> Segments) controls the application of cross validation rules.
 the cross validation rules will only be applicable when this option is checked.

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  • May 28th, 2007

Cross validation rule prevents user to enter invalid segment value code combinations.


  • Apr 9th, 2009

Cross validation (also known as cross segment validation) controls the combinations of values you can create when you enter values for key flexfields. A cross validation rule defines whether a value of a particular segment can be combined with specific values of other segments.

Cross validation is different from segment validation, which controls the values you can enter for a particular segment.

When a user finishes entering segment values in a flexfield popup window, the flexfield checks whether the values make up a valid combination before updating the database. If the user entered an invalid combination, a diagnostic error message appears, and the cursor returns to the first segment assumed to contain an invalid value.

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