Editorial / Best Answer
KFF - Keyflexfields are used throughout the Applications to uniquely identify informations such as GL accounts, INV items, FIxed Assets and other entities that every business needs to keep track of.
DFF- Descriptive flexfields enable you to capture additional pieces of information from transaction entered into Oracle EBS.
DFF and KFF share common features. They are multisegment fields. Application validates individual segments based ons makes valueset rules and ensures that the segments makes sense using CVR (cross-validation rules).
What is the difference between key flexfield and Descriptive flexfield?
Editorial / Best Answer
agouthamanKFF - Keyflexfields are used throughout the Applications to uniquely identify informations such as GL accounts, INV items, FIxed Assets and other entities that every business needs to keep track of.
DFF- Descriptive flexfields enable you to capture additional pieces of information from transaction entered into Oracle EBS.
DFF and KFF share common features. They are multisegment fields. Application validates individual segments based ons makes valueset rules and ensures that the segments makes sense using CVR (cross-validation rules).
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