What is the difference between key flexfield and Descriptive flexfield?

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  • Member Since Feb-2010 | Feb 18th, 2010

KFF - Keyflexfields are used throughout the Applications to uniquely identify informations such as GL accounts, INV items, FIxed Assets and other entities that every business needs to keep track of.

DFF- Descriptive flexfields enable you to capture additional pieces of information from transaction entered into Oracle EBS.

DFF and KFF share common features. They are multisegment fields. Application validates individual segments based ons makes valueset rules and ensures that the segments makes sense using CVR (cross-validation rules).

Showing Answers 1 - 23 of 23 Answers


  • Jun 28th, 2005

Key Flexfield is used to describe unique identifiers that will have a better meaning than using number IDs. e.g a part number, a cost centre etc 
Desc Flex is used to just capture extra information.  
Key Flexfields have qualifiers whereas Desc Flexfields do not. 
Desc Flexfields can have context sensitive segments while Key flexfields cannot.

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  • Jul 8th, 2005

1 more difference is: 
KFF is based on 2 table structure where as DFF is based on a single table structure

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  • Jul 27th, 2005

A Key Flexfield as the name suggests is a 'Key' building block of a module and is 'Required' for defining the structure for objects of that module Eg. The Account Structure, Item Structure, etc. 
A descriptive FF again as the name suggests helps more in describing an object (like a transaction or screen), more than the available fields on that Screen

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  • Dec 7th, 2005

Key flexfield captures mandatory business information like company, department,account etc.,whereas

Descriptive flexfield captures additional business information like name of the company's MD etc.,

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  • Apr 27th, 2006

A dff is a lables ,prompt less  field provided on the form of oracle applications package.IT is enabled in AOL module.it is an optional flexfield .it is used to capture the additional data which is unque to client information.

A key flex field is used to capture the key information of an organisation.which is mandatory.

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Satya Narayan Das

  • Sep 19th, 2006

Key flexfields are flexible enough to let any organization use the code scheme they want, without programming.

Descriptive flexfields provide customizable ?expansion space? on your forms. You can use descriptive flexfields to track additional information, important and unique to your business, that would not otherwise be captured by the form

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  • Nov 28th, 2006

hi this is  obilesu,

1.KFF is simply enter data and get results and DFF is user want require when the get output.

2. KFF is did't give any expance space i.e additional space, and DFF is provide additional expance the kff

3.kff is out puts or results giving the with in the four walls only. and DFF is giving the results or outputs beyand the 4 walls

4.KFF is not required any coding and DFF is may be required when the user want.

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  • Jan 25th, 2007

hi how are you?i have a doubt on this?how can you say company in KFF and at the same time how can you use the same compny in DFF? Any way thanks for your answers

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  • Feb 28th, 2007

i have doubt abt how may descriptive flex fields are used in oracle apps
 (is it for limit or not)

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  • Apr 1st, 2007

Hi, It depends on Which table u r using, If ur using AP_INVOICES_ALL all 15 Attribute Columns u can use. means there is some limit.

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  • Jun 17th, 2008

* Key Flexfields are stored in Segments columns whereas Descriptive values stores in Attributes columns.

* Descriptive flexfield store extra information of Keyflexfelds

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  • Feb 17th, 2010

KFF - Keyflexfields are used throughout the Applications to uniquely identify informations such as GL accounts, INV items, FIxed Assets and other entities that every business needs to keep track of.

DFF- Descriptive flexfields enable you to capture additional pieces of information from transaction entered into Oracle EBS.

DFF and KFF share common features. They are multisegment fields. Application validates individual segments based ons makes valueset rules and ensures that the segments makes sense using CVR (cross-validation rules).

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  • Jun 4th, 2010

Key Flex Field: Here we simply enter the business data or transactions to get the results or output (with some limitation). Though coding & programming is not required, you do not have expansion space

Descriptive Flex Field: We enter business data or transactions and get the results as per requierments, coding or programming is required, here you have lot of expansion space.

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