Can you explain the difference between an ADO.NET Dataset and an ADO Recordset?

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  • Jun 16th, 2005

Data set is useful for large set disconnected data, whereas with recordset is possible but cannot stay for longer 
With dataset we can use multiple tables in one data set, with recordset it is not possible. 
We cannot add datarows and coloumns externally to the recordset,but for data set it is possible 
Also dataset supports external manipulation of datarows and columns wheeras with record set it is not possible 

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  • Dec 28th, 2005

You can send dataset using XML marshling where as in case of recordset use COM marshling.In case of COM marshling they have some specified data before before sending the record set you have to convert the data type based on the COM marshling.As XML is open system there is no data type conversion.

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  • Jan 13th, 2006

The points of difference are as follows:

  1. ADO.Net dataset can contain data from two or more data sources and relate it in memory. For example you may retrieve emp table from SQL Server 2000 database and salary table from an Excel sheet, relate them, perform any logical operations and put the integrated data to a new database in SQL server. Whereas, ADO recordset will contain records resulting from one query to one data source only.
  2. ADO.Net objects are represented using XML, so they can travel through networks and firewalls. That is not the case with ADO recordsets which are COM objects.
  3. Because of XML representation ADO.Net objects are lightweight as compared to ADO recordsets, so application scalability improves. The .net objects can be stored in session variables without much impact on scalability of the application.

The similarities in these two are that both of them can be disconnected (actually ADO.Net follows disconnected architecture, while ADO recordsets CAN BE disconnected, although many times they are used in a connected manner). Both of them offer sorting, filtering and batch updates.

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  • Jul 3rd, 2006


Data set is the Disconneted data Architecture.


Datareader is the connected Data Architecture.

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