What is "Common Language Runtime" (CLR)?

CLR is .NET equivalent of Java Virtual Machine (JVM). It is the runtime that converts a MSIL code into the host machine language code, which is then executed appropriately.


The CLR is the execution engine for .NET Framework applications. It provides a number of services, including:


·          Code management (loading and execution)

·          Application memory isolation

·          Verification of type safety

·          Conversion of IL to native code.

·          Access to metadata (enhanced type information)

·          Managing memory for managed objects

·          Enforcement of code access security

·          Exception handling, including cross-language exceptions

·          Interoperation between managed code, COM objects, and pre-existing DLL's (unmanaged code and data)

·          Automation of object layout

·          Support for developer services (profiling, debugging, and so on).

Showing Answers 1 - 10 of 10 Answers

Sachin Ambekar

  • Mar 25th, 2005

CLR brings another benefit to Windows developers--high interoperability between components written in any other language ported to work with the CLR and .NET. The CLR promises common safe types, managed execution, and inheritance across languages. A programmer can now write code that inherits implementations of classes or components written in another language. The programmer's application can also use the exception base class to catch and throw exceptions or errors between code modules written in different languages for more robust error handling.

sanjay jhamb

  • Jul 23rd, 2005


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sanjay Kumar Das

  • Mar 2nd, 2006

Common Language Runtime can be tought as an environment that manages code execution, thread management, memory allocation

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  • Jul 3rd, 2006

CLR means common language run time .

CLR Contain safe execution of the code.

we can not communicate the application to operating system but CLR we can communicate.

prem shankar kumar

  • Jul 31st, 2006

It is a dot net compiler that provides an execution environment that manages the code at the compile time.there are two type of code

Managed Code:the code which run under CLR is call managed code.         

Unmanaged Code


  • Aug 8th, 2006

Simply---it's runtime engine

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Bhaskar Char T.N

  • Jan 19th, 2007

CLR: (Common Language Runtime)

The CLR provides a Runtime Execution environment for .Net application,

Which is responsible for Executing and Managing all the code written any .Net Language.

The CLR also work with 2 other Framework Services to define the rules for .Net Languages.

1.      CTS

2.      CLS.

CLR - Common Language Runtime...
Its a virtual machine of Microsoft's .Net,
During Compile time the Source code(C#,VB.Net..) is converted into Intermediate Language (MSIL),During Runtime this IL is converted to native code to Operating System by Just In Time (JIT) of CLR...
Apart from this,It alse includes following features like
*Memory management,
*Thread Management,
*Exception Handling,
*Garbage Collection,

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