What are two examples of an OLTP environment?

č  Transactions take a matter of seconds or less.
č  Many transactions involve a small amount of data.

Showing Answers 1 - 10 of 10 Answers

Kapil D Sapra

  • Oct 17th, 2005

On Line Banking

On Line Reservation (Transportation like Rail, Air etc.)

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Mushtaq Mirza

  • Nov 17th, 2006

hello all,

Basically any ERP package cn be considered as and OLTP System.

or any system that is build to run transactions which helps the organization's to capture there day to day activities can be refered  to as a OTLP system.



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Neelima Dahi

  • Aug 10th, 2007

OLTP is typified by a small number of rows (or records) or a few of many possible tables being accessed in a matter of seconds or less. Very little I/O processing is required to complete the transaction. For eg.

1. This type of transaction takes place when we take out money at an ATM. Once our card is validated, a debit transaction takes place against our current balance to reflect the amount of cash withdrawn.
2. This type of transaction also takes place when we deposit money into a checking account and the balance gets updated.

We expect these transactions to be performed quickly. They must occur in real time.

rishabh gupta

  • Sep 26th, 2014

Basically OLTP is used for normalized for efficient search & update to prevent redundancy.

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