Difference between a function and a subroutine, Dynaset and Snapshot,early and late binding, image and picture controls,Linked Object and Embedded Object,listbox and combo box,Listindex and Tab index,modal and moduless window, Object and Class,Query unload and unload in form, Declaration and Instantiation an object?

Showing Answers 1 - 2 of 2 Answers


  • Aug 22nd, 2007

Function returns value while subroutine doesn't.
Dynaset is updateable while snapshot is static
inearly binding address of all the functions are knownn at compile time while in late binding it is not known untill runtime. In early binding object of class is creates at compile time while in late binding it is created at runtime.
Embeded object is just a copy of the object any changes made in source is not reflected in this object while in linked object all the changes made to source is reflected
In listbox user can not type in the values while in combo box user can type in values. Combo box has got drop down list box that takes less space then listbox.
Moal window doesn't let user to access parent winndow untill it looses focus while modless window allow user to interact with its parent window without responding to it
Class is tyoe having properies and methods while object is an instance of the class that is used to access properties and methods of the class

DEclaration means declaring an lbject it doesn;t link the object with the class while instantiating means creating an instance of the class

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